Online dictionary of France travel and tourism: Deauville,Dijon,Disneyland Paris,Eiffel tower,European parliament,Eurostar,Eurotunnel,Evian

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French words: Deauville
keywords: normandy, sea, tourist resort, town
related topics: Gare Saint Lazare
related web sites: , ,
explanation: Located in northwest of Paris on Normandy coast, Deauville had been a tiny village until 1858 when Duc de Morny, a half-brother of Napoleon III, visited his doctor's cottage. Well informed businessman, he realized the value of this swampy land but close to Paris, so quickly transformed to a modern summer resort. Organizing an American film festival and an Asian film festival each year, Deauville is considered as the queen of Normandy summer resorts and in 2 hours from Paris Saint-Lazare railroad station.


French words: Dijon
keywords: bourgogne, tourist resort, town, wine
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located 300km southeast of Paris, Dijon had already existed in Roman period but it has really grown since the middle ages when it became the capital of powerful Burgundy dukedom. Though, Burgundy was annexed by French King Louis XI in 1477, Dijon has continued to develop thanks to wine production and its crossroad position of Europe. An university was founded in 1722. Dijon is the capital of Bourgogne region and the population 142000. You can look over the whole city from a tower of the ducal palace.

Disneyland Paris

French words: Disneyland Paris
alternative words: Euro Disneyland, Eurodisney, Paris Disneyland, Disney resorts, Disney park, Disneyland
keywords: paris suburb, park, tourist resort
related topics: RER
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located 32km east of Paris with more than 2000 ha of surface and 42 attractions, Disneyland Paris is the unique Disney park in Europe. It was inaugurated in 1992 with the name of "Euro Disneyland" but first years were rather disastrous due to a lack of French visitors. After a name change to "Disneyland Paris" and its CEO in 1994, the result has improved. In 2002, a new park "Walt Disney Studios" was added to an adjacent area. Your can reach there with the eastern highway or a suburban train (RER).

Eiffel tower

French words: Tour Eiffel , La Tour Eiffel
alternative words: Effel tower
keywords: building, paris, tourist resort
related web sites: ,
explanation: Located on the southern shore of Seine river at "Champ de Mars" in Paris, Eiffel tower was designed by the architect, Gustave Eiffel for the universal exposition of 1889, 100 years anniversary of the French revolution. Initially built for only 20 years, an appearance of the radio diffusion saved Eiffel tower from the destruction. Eiffel tower owns 3 observatories, at 57m, 115m and 300m, and the total height is 324m, including a television antenna.

European parliament

French words: Parlement Européen , Parlement de Strasbourg
alternative words: Strasbourg parliament
keywords: building
related topics: Strasbourg
related web sites:
explanation: A legislative body of European Union along with Council of Ministers, European parliament has 2 locations: one at Strasbourg for a monthly plenary session and one at Brussels for preparatory works. Since 1972, its members have been directly elected for 5 years by European citizens. Currently, the total number of seats is at 730, attributed near proportionally to the population of countries. A new building of European parliament of Strasbourg was inaugurated in December 1999 by the president, Jacques Chirac.


French words: Eurostar
alternative words: Eurostar train
keywords: transport
related topics: TGV , Eurotunnel , Gare du Nord
related web sites: ,
explanation: High speed train link between London-Paris and London-Brussels via Dover tunnel. The service began in November 1994 after the opening of Channel tunnel in May 1994. Though the train could reach 300km/h in France, England not owing high speed tracks, the speed was limited to 160km. Since 2003, a part of British tracks has been upgraded and it takes now 2 h 35 between London-Paris. Derived from TGV and made by Alstom, the locomotive can adapt 3 different voltages and a train carries 800 persons with 18 cars.


French words: Eurotunnel , Tunnel sous la manche
alternative words: Dover tunnel, Channel tunnel
keywords: transport
related topics: Eurostar
related web sites:
explanation: Man planed a tunnel under Dover strait early as the 19th century but many projects had been given up until 1986 when the French and British governments signed a final agreement. Inaugurated by Queen Elisabeth and President Mitterand in 1994, Eurotunnel is the world's second longest tunnel (50km long) but built without government aid, the exploiting company has got quickly financial trouble. Shuttle service brings cars on train between Sangatte and Folkstone, while Eurostar connects Paris and London in 3h30.


French words: Evian , Evian-lès-Bains
alternative words: Evian-les-Bains
keywords: alps, tourist resort, town
related web sites: ,
explanation: Renowned for its mineral waters and located on the southern shore of Lake Leman near the Alps mountains and Geneva, Evian is a health and tourist resort with hot-sprint. By the way, Evian-les-Bains means "Evian near hot-spring". A bilateral talk to end the independence war of Algeria took place there in 1962 (Evian protocol). France hosted also a G8 summit in June 2003 at Royal park hotel in Evian. Each summer, a famous female golf tournament, Evian Masters takes place. The population is 7500.


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