Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 14
translation: spirit, soul
kon, gon
魂: tamashii
魂の抜けた: tamashiinonuketa: spiritless, soulless <<<
魂の篭った: tamashiinokomotta: spiritful, soulful
魂を打ち込む: tamashiiouchikomu: breathe life (into)
魂を入れ替える: tamashiioirekaeru: reform oneself, turn over a new life
魂消る: tamageru: be astonished [surprised, amazed, frightened, alarmed, terrified] (at) <<< ,
Kanji words: 魂胆 , 人魂 , 鎮魂
Expressions: 大和魂

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