Japanese display


pronunciation: hoshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: compensation, reparation, indemnity
補償する: hoshousuru: compensate, indemnify, make compensation for, make up for (the loss)
補償案: hoshouan: compensation bill <<<
補償金: hoshoukin: compensation (money), indemnity <<<
補償金を取る: hoshoukinnotoru: receive the compensation money (from) <<<
補償金を貰う: hoshoukinnomorau <<<
補償金を支払う: hoshoukinnoshiharau: pay compensation to <<< 支払
補償金を払う: hoshoukinnoharau <<<
補償作用: hoshousayou: compensation (action) <<< 作用
刑事補償: keijihoshou: criminal indemnity (for) <<< 刑事
遺族補償: izokuhoshou: compensation for the bereaved <<< 遺族
災害補償: saigaihoshou: accident compensation <<< 災害

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