Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: shape
Number of strokes: 16
translation: swell, expand, inflate
bou, hou
膨れる: hukureru: expand (vi.), swell (out), be inflated, rise, blister
膨らむ: hukuramu
膨らます: hukuramasu: expand (vt.), swell (out), distend, inflate, blow up
膨れた: hukureta: big, swollen
膨らみ: hukurami: swelling, bulge, expansion
膨れっ面: hukurettsura: sulky look <<<
膨れっ面をする: hukurettsuraosuru: get [be] sulky [cross, sore] <<<
Kanji words: 膨張 , 水膨
Expressions: 頬を膨らませる , 頬の膨らんだ , 蕾が膨らむ

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