Japanese display


pronunciation: shuukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: life
translation: habit, custom, practice
習慣が有る: shuukangaaru: have a habit of, be used to, be accustomed to <<<
習慣から: shuukankara: by habit
習慣を付ける: shuukannotsukeru: fall [get] into the habit of <<<
習慣を止める: shuukannoyameru: break off [give up] a habit <<<
習慣的: shuukanteki: habitual, customary, usual <<<
習慣的に: shuukantekini: habitually, customarily
習慣に従う: shuukannnishitagau: follow the customs <<<
食習慣: shokushuukan: eating [dietary] habits <<<
風俗習慣: huuzokushuukan: manners and customs <<< 風俗
長年の習慣: neganennnoshuukan: old habit <<< 長年
synonyms: 習性 , 慣習
related words: 常習

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