Japanese display


pronunciation: shinkoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance
translation: statement, report (n.), return
申告する: shinkokusuru: state (v.), report, notify, declare
申告漏れ: shinkokumore: undeclared [unreported] income [earnings] <<<
申告書: shinkokusho: a report, a statement <<<
申告者: shinkokusha: reporter <<<
申告制: shinkokusei: report [return] system <<<
申告制度: shinkokuseido <<< 制度
申告額: shinkokugaku: declared value [amount] <<<
申告所得: shinkokushotoku: taxable income <<< 所得
申告期限: shinkokukigen: term of declaration <<< 期限
申告用紙: shinkokuyoushi: return blank [form] <<< 用紙
税金申告: zeikinshinkoku: tax return <<< 税金
税金を申告する: zeikinnoshinkokusuru: make one's tax return <<< 税金
青色申告: aoiroshinkoku: blue return (form) <<< 青色
予定申告: yoteishinkoku: provisional declaration <<< 予定
移動申告: idoushinkoku: report of one's removal <<< 移動
税関申告: zeikanshinkoku: customs declaration <<< 税関
関税申告: kanzeishinkoku: customs declaration <<< 関税
確定申告: kakuteishinkoku: final (income tax) return <<< 確定
確定申告をする: kakuteishinkokuosuru: turn in a final return (of one's income tax) <<< 確定
通関申告: tsuukanshinkoku: custom declaration <<< 通関
related words: 税金 , 関税

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