Japanese display


pronunciation: sashiosae
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 差し押
keyword: realty
translation: attachment, seizure, distraint
差押える: sashiosaeru: seize, attach, distrain (upon) a person's property, place (a person's property) under distraint
差押を食う: sashiosaeokuu: have one's property attached <<<
差押人: sashiosaenin: seizor, distrainer <<<
差押状: sashiosaejou: warrant of seizure, attachment <<<
差押令状: sashiosaereijou
差押物件: sashiosaebukken: seized property <<< 物件
仮差押: karisashiosae: temporary seizure <<<
担保差押: tanposashiosae: foreclosure <<< 担保

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