Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: shape
Number of strokes: 10
translation: put, accept, pardon, form (bor.), figure
you, yuu
容れる: ireru: put in [into], pour in, pack in, let in, insert <<<
容: katachi: form <<<
容: sugata: figure <<< 姿
容す: yurusu: accept, pardon <<<
容易い: tayasui: easy, simple <<<
容易く: tayasuku: easily, readily, with ease, without difficulty [effort] <<<
Kanji words: 容量 , 美容 , 容器 , 容積 , 容疑 , 容姿 , 収容 , 形容 , 内容 , 容易 , 寛容 , 容態 , 容赦
Expressions: 相容れない

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