Japanese display


category: to learn in school
keyword: shape
Number of strokes: 9
translation: form, figure, shape, pose, aspect
姿: sugata: form, figure, shape, pose, aspect
姿が良い: sugatagaii, sugatagayoi: have a good figure <<<
姿を現す: sugataoarawasu: appear, make one's appearance, come in sight, show [present] oneself, turn [show] up, egress (v.) <<<
姿を隠す: sugataokakusu: disappear, vanish (out of sight), hide oneself <<<
姿を消す: sugataokesu <<<
姿を変える: sugataokaeru: disguise oneself (as) <<<
Kanji words: 姿勢 , 容姿
Expressions: 花嫁姿の , ユニホーム姿の , ユニホーム姿で

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