Japanese display

category: JIS1
keyword: hygiene
Number of strokes: 14
translation: dust
塵: chiri
塵に塗れる: chirinimamireru: be covered with dust <<<
塵に塗れた: chirinimamireta: covered with dust <<<
塵を払う: chirioharau: dust (v.), brush away the dust <<<
塵程も: chirihodomo: not a bit, not in the least, not in the slightest <<<
塵も積もれば山と成る: chirimotsumorebayamatonaru: Many a little [pickle] makes a mickle [muckle]
塵: gomi: refuse, rubbish, trash, garbage <<<
塵: hokori: dust, dirt <<<
Kanji words: 塵取 , 塵袋 , 塵紙 , 微塵
Expressions: 宇宙塵 , 流星塵 , 塵の回収

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