Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: construction , war
Number of strokes: 7
translation: enclose, round, surround
囲う: kakou: surround, enclose, encircle, preserve, lay [store] up, keep (a mistress)
囲い: kakoi: enclosure, fence (n.)
囲いをする: kakoiosuru: enclose, fence (v.)
囲い者: kakoimono: kept mistress [woman] <<< ,
囲む: kakomu: surround, enclose, encircle, besiege, lay siege (to)
囲み: kakomi: siege, besiegement
囲みを解く: kakomiotoku: raise the siege <<<
囲みを破る: kakomioyaburu: break through the besieging army <<<
囲る: meguru: go round <<<
Kanji words: 周囲 , 範囲 , 胸囲 , 囲碁 , 囲炉裏 , 雰囲気 , 包囲
Expressions: 格子囲い , 円卓を囲む , 括弧で囲む , 丸で囲む , 城を囲む , 海に囲まれた , 取り囲む
related words: , フェンス

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