Japanese display


pronunciation: hanketsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: (judicial) decision, judgment, sentence
判決する: hanketsusuru: decide [give a decision, pass judgment] (on a case)
判決を下す: hanketsuokudasu <<<
判決に服する: hanketsunihukusuru: accept the decision <<<
判決を覆す: hanketsuokutsugaesu: reverse a decision <<<
判決文: hanketsubun: text of a decision <<<
判決例: hanketsurei: judicial precedent <<<
判決理由: hanketsuriyuu: reasons for the judgment <<< 理由
無罪判決: muzaihanketsu: verdict of not guilty <<< 無罪
確定判決: kakuteihanketsu: irrevocable judgment <<< 確定
related words: 裁判

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