Japanese display


pronunciation: seken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: the public, people, the world, society
世間に知れる: sekennnishireru: get abroad, become public <<<
世間に出る: sekennnideru: go out into the world <<<
世間を憚る: sekennohabakaru: fear public opinion
世間を騒が: susekennosawagasu: cause a public disturbance <<<
世間離れした: sekenbanareshita: unworldly, queer, eccentric <<<
世間知らず: sekenshirazu: person who knows but little of the world <<<
世間話: sekenbanashi: gossip, chat, small talk, light nothing <<<
世間的: sekenteki: worldly, earthly, mundane, social <<<
世間的地位: sekentekichii: one's social standing <<< 地位
世間体: sekentei: appearance, decency <<<
世間体を繕う: sekenteiotsukurou: keep up appearances <<<

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