
画数: 8
翻訳:shoulder, back
肩: かた: shoulder (n.), back
肩にする: かたにする: shoulder (v.), bear [carry] (a thing) on the shoulder
肩に担ぐ: かたにかつぐ <<<
肩に掛ける: かたにかける: hang a thing over one's shoulder <<<
肩が凝る: かたがこる: have stiff shoulders, feel stiff in one's shoulders <<<
肩を落す: かたをおとす: lose heart, be disheartened [discouraged] (by) <<< , 落胆
肩を脱ぐ: かたをぬぐ: bare [expose] one's shoulders <<<
肩を聳やかす: かたをそびやかす: raise one's shoulders
肩を竦める: かたをすくめる: shrug one's shoulders <<<
肩を持つ: かたをもつ: back (v.), favor, support, take sides (with), stand by (a person) <<<
肩を怒らして: かたをいからして: with one's shoulders squared <<<
肩を叩く: かたをたたく: pat sb. on the back, clap sb. on the shoulder <<<
肩を並べる: かたをならべる: stand shoulder to shoulder with, rank with, rival <<<
肩で息をする: かたでいきをする: gasp for breath <<<
熟語:肩幅 , 肩車 , 肩身 , 肩掛 , 肩凝

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