

発音: けっきん
漢字: ,
キーワード: 仕事
翻訳:absence (from one's duties), nonattendance
欠勤する: けっきんする: be absent (from duties, from school), absent oneself (from office)
欠勤者: けっきんしゃ: absentee <<<
欠勤率: けっきんりつ: absent rate <<<
欠勤届: けっきんとどけ: report of absence <<<
欠勤届を出す: けっきんとどけをだす: tender a report of absence <<<
長期欠勤: ちょうきけっきん: chronic absence from work <<< 長期
関連語: 欠席 , 出勤

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