

発音: だいじ
漢字: ,
翻訳:matter, important (affairs)
大事な: だいじな: important, critical, serious, valuable, precious
大事に: だいじに: carefully, with care
大事にする: だいじにする: prize (v.), treasure, think [make] much of
大事を取る: だいじをとる: act with prudence [caution], play safe, make sure <<<
大事に成る: だいじになる: become serious, take a serious [grave] turn, begin to assume a grave aspect <<<
重大事: じゅうだいじ: matter of importance <<<
御大事に: おだいじに: Take good care of yourself <<<
後生大事に: ごしょうだいじに: most carefully, at all costs <<< 後生
関連語: 大切

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