Japanese display


pronunciation: moyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art , weather
translation: pattern (n.), figure, design, appearance, look, signs, indications
模様入りの: moyouirino: patterned <<<
模様を付ける: moyouotsukeru: pattern (v.), put on [decorate with] a pattern, figure <<<
模様替えをする: moyougaeosuru: rearrange, restructure, reorganize, remodel, reshape <<<
模様次第で: moyoushidaide: according to circumstances
荒れ模様: aremoyou: signs of a storm, lowering sky <<<
空模様: soramoyou: look of the sky <<<
雨模様: amemoyou: signs of a rain <<<
花模様: hanamoyou: flower pattern <<<
水玉模様: mizutamamoyou: polka dots (on cloth) <<< 水玉
水玉模様の: mizutamamoyouno: polka-dotted (dress) <<< 水玉
渦巻模様: uzumakimoyou: scrollwork <<< 渦巻
古代模様: kodaimoyou: antique pattern <<< 古代
雷雨模様の: raiumoyouno: thundery <<< 雷雨
菱形模様: hishigatamoyou: diaper <<< 菱形
モザイク模様: mozaikumoyou: mosaic pattern <<< モザイク
related words: モチーフ , パターン

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