Japanese display

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 11
translation: cross, end (ext.), save
sai, sei
済る: wataru: cross (vi.) <<<
済し: watashi: crossing point, ferry
済ます: sumasu: end (vt.), finish, terminate, get through, conclude, settle, make do with
済む: sumu: end (vi.), finish, come to an end, be finished, be over, be cleared off, be settled <<<
済まない: sumanai: I am very sorry (for what I have done), I really did you wrong, I regret
済みません: sumimasen: I am very sorry (to trouble you), Excuse me
済う: sukuu: save <<<
Kanji words: 経済 , 救済 , 共済 , 決済 , 弁済
Expressions: 検閲済 , 登録済み , 種痘済み , 用事を済ます , 勘定を済ます , 支払済 , 領収済 , 穏便に済ます , 校正済み , 朝飯を済ます , 罰金で済む , 配達済み , 発注済 , 検査済 , 登記済み , 予約済み , 成り済ます

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