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category: to learn in school
keyword: job , show
Number of strokes: 7
translation: work, duty, function, responsibility
eki, yaku
役: yaku: role (jp.)
役に付く: yakunitsuku: take office <<<
役を務める: yakuotsutomeru: serve (as), hold [fill] the post (of), play [act] the part [role] of <<<
役を退く: yakuoshirizoku: retire from office [service] <<< 退
役に立つ: yakunitatsu: be of use, be useful <<<
役に立たない: yakunitatanai: be useless <<<
役め: tsutome: duty, service, responsibility <<<
役: edachi: forced labor (jp.)

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 9
translation: bind, simplify (ext.), about, almost, modest, humble
約る: shimekukuru: bind, bundle, summarize
約やか: tsuZumayaka: modest, humble
約ね: oomune: in general, about, almost <<<
約しみ: kurushimi: pain (poverty)

category: to learn in school
keyword: finance
Number of strokes: 10
translation: increase, augment
eki, yaku
益: eki: good, use, benefit (n.), advantage, profit, gain
益する: ekisuru: benefit (v.)
益の有る: ekinoaru: beneficial, profitable <<<
益の無い: ekinonai: unprofitable <<<
益す: masu: increase, augment <<<
益: masumasu: more and more <<< 益々

category: to learn in school
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 11
translation: meaning, reason, cause, ground, translate
yaku, eki
訳: wake: meaning, reason, cause, ground <<< 理由
訳も無く: wakemonaku: without reason <<<
訳が有って: wakegaatte: for a certain reason [some reason] <<<
訳を尋ねる: wakeotazuneru: ask [inquire into] the reason [cause] <<<
訳の無い: wakenonai: easy, simple <<< , 簡単
訳の分らない: wakenowakaranai: not know why, absurd, incomprehensible <<<
訳す: yakusu: translate

category: common usage
keyword: disaster
Number of strokes: 4
translation: misfortune, calamity, bad luck
yaku, ga
yaku: bad karma (jp.)
厄い: wazawai: misfortune, calamity, bad luck <<<
厄うい: ayaui: unsafe, dangerous, perilous <<<

category: common usage
keyword: disease
Number of strokes: 9
translation: epidemic, evil
eki, yaku
疫: yakubyou: epidemic <<< 疫病

category: common usage
keyword: drug
Number of strokes: 16
translation: medicine, drug, remedy, poison, good, benefit
薬: kusuri: medicine, drug, remedy, pill, tablet, tonic
薬の: kusurino: medicinal, therapeutic
薬が効く: kusurigakiku: A dose works [takes effect] <<<
薬を飲む: kusurionomu: take medicine <<<
薬を飲ませる: kusurionomaseru: administer medicine (to) <<<
薬を盛る: kusuriomoru: compound [prescribe] a medicine <<<
薬に成る: kusurininaru: become a good lesson <<<

category: common usage
keyword: sport
Number of strokes: 21
translation: jump, fly, dance
躍る: odoru: jump, fly, dance
related words: ,

category: JIS2
Number of strokes: 11
translation: yoke
軛: kubiki
軛に繋ぐ: kubikinitsunagu: yoke sth. <<<


pronunciation: yaku
etymology: yak (eg.)
keyword: animal
translation: yak

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