Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 10
translation: needle, fishhook, prickle, spine, sting, stitch
針: hari
針で刺す: haridesasu: prick with a needle <<<
針で刺すような痛み: haridesasuyounaitami: stinging pain
Kanji words: 長針 , 方針 , 針鼠 , 鉤針 , 避雷針 , 短針 , 針金 , 針葉 , 針路
Expressions: 注射針 , 時計の針 , 刺繍針 , 針仕事 , 蜂の針 , ホッチキスの針 , ダイヤモンド針
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