Japanese display

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: press, force, urge, compel
haku, hyaku
迫る: semaru: press (a person) to do, urge (a person) to do [into doing], force [compel] (a person) to do, be imminent, be on the brink [verge] of, approach, draw near, be very near
迫り出す: seridasu: protrude, rise out of the cellar, become paunchy <<<
Kanji words: 迫撃 , 気迫 , 迫力 , 圧迫 , 強迫 , 迫害
Expressions: 核心に迫る , 真近に迫る , 目前に迫る , 時刻が迫る , 差し迫る

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