Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: technology
Number of strokes: 13
translation: try, test, attempt, essay, trial
試みる: kokoromiru: try (v.), test, attempt
試み: kokoromi: try (n.), test, attempt
試みに: kokoromini: for trial, on trial [probation], tentatively, experimentally
試す: tamesu: try, attempt, make a trial (of), have a try (at), test, put (a thing) to trial [the test], experiment (with), make an experiment (on)
試し: tameshi: trial, test, try, experiment, attempt
試しに: tameshini: by way of experiment [trial], tentatively
Kanji words: 試着 , 試料 , 試験 , 試算 , 試薬 , 試作 , 試合 , 試練 , 試食
Expressions: 再度試みる , 数回試みる , 試運転 , 試運転をする , 運を試す
synonyms: テスト

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