Japanese display

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 15
translation: knee, lap
shitsu, shichi
膝: hiza
膝を組む: hizaokumu: cross one's legs, sit cross-legged <<<
膝を付く: hizaotsuku: knee down, fall one's knees, get down on one's knees <<<
膝を付いて: hizaotsuite: kneeling, on his knees <<<
膝を崩す: hizaokuzusu: sit at ease <<<
膝を屈する: hizaokussuru: bow the knee to [before] <<<
膝を曲げる: hizaomageru: bend the knees <<<
膝までの深さの: hizamadenohukasano: knee-deep <<<
Expressions: 膝小僧

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