Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 11
translation: learn, study, lesson
習う: narau: learn, take lessons (in, on), be taught, study, practice
習い: narai: learning, study, lesson, habit, custom
習いと成る: naraitonaru: become a custom, fall into the habit of (doing) <<<
習わせる: narawaseru: make (a person) learn [practice, exercise]
習うより慣れよ: narauyorinareyo: Practice makes perfect <<<
Kanji words: 習性 , 学習 , 復習 , 予習 , 慣習 , 習得 , 習字 , 講習 , 習慣 , 風習 , 演習 , 補習 , 練習 , 自習 , 常習 , 実習 , 見習
Expressions: 作法を習う , 行儀を習う , 書道を習う , 歌を習う , 花を習う , バレエを習う , ピアノを習う

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