Japanese display

category: JIS1
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 8
translation: gibbon, aim, sight, point, fence, watch
so, sho
狙う: nerau: aim (at), take aim (at), watch (for), be after (a thing), sight, point
狙い: nerai: aim
狙いを定める: neraiosadameru: take aim (at) <<<
狙いを誤る: neraioayamaru: take the mark [one's aim] amiss <<<
狙いが外れる: neraigahazureru: miss [fall wide of] the mark [one's aim] <<<
狙いが狂う: neraigakuruu <<<
狙う: ukagau: watch [wait] for (a chance) <<<
狙: saru: monkey, ape, gibbon <<<
Kanji words: 狙撃
Expressions: 片目で狙う , 椅子を狙う , 生命を狙う , 付け狙う

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