Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: swimming
Number of strokes: 10
translation: float, superficial, light
hu, bu
浮く: uku: float (vi.), rise to the surface, become buoyant [cheered up], be set on edge, be saved, be left over
浮かぶ: ukabu: float (vi.), waft, occur to (one), cross [come into] one's mind, rise to one's eyes, be expressed
浮かべる: ukaberu: float (vt.), set afloat, waft, launch, show, express, call (a matter) to mind, recall
浮かれる: ukareru: be gay (jp.), make merry, be in high spirits, be one the spree
浮: uki: float (n.), buoy, life belt [buoy]
浮き上がる: ukiagaru: rise to the surface, float, refloat, loose the support <<<
浮き出る: ukideru: come (up) [rise] to the surface (of water), be embossed <<<
浮き立つ: ukitatsu: become buoyant [lighthearted], be cheered up, feel gay <<<
浮き浮きした: ukiukishita: buoyant, cheerful, lighthearted, gay
浮き浮きと: ukiukito: buoyantly, cheerfully, with a light heart
浮き足立つ: ukiashidatsu: begin to waver, be ready to run away, be on tiptoe for flight
Kanji words: 浮輪 , 浮気 , 浮世 , 浮袋 , 浮浪 , 浮腫
Expressions: 浮き桟橋 , 水面に浮ぶ , 脳裏に浮かぶ , 微笑を浮かべて , 浮き浮きした , 浮き浮きと , 胸に浮かぶ , 思い浮かぶ , 涙を浮かべる , 心に浮かぶ , 浮きドック , 浮きクレーン

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