Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: time
Number of strokes: 5
translation: end, close, extreme, final, last, future
matsu, batsu
末: sue: end, close, extreme, future, descendant, offspring
末の: sueno: final, last
末は: suewa: in the future, time to come
末長く: suenagaku: forever, (for) long <<<
末頼もしい: suetanomoshii: promising, hopeful, of (great) promise <<<
Kanji words: 端末 , 月末 , 始末 , 粉末 , 末路 , 結末 , 末っ子 , 断末魔 , 年末 , 期末 , 末期 , 末端 , 週末 , 顛末
Expressions: 世紀末 , 学期末 , 年度末に

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