Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: death
Number of strokes: 9
translation: regret, repent
悔い: kui: regret
悔いる: kuiru: regret (having done, to have done), repent (of)
悔いを残す: kuionokosu: leave something to be regretted <<<
悔やむ: kuyamu: mourn [lament] (over, for), condole (with a person on), repent (of), regret
悔み: kuyami: condolences (jp.), regret (n.)
悔みを述べる: kuyamionoberu: condole (with a person on), express [offer] one's sympathy (to) <<<
悔みを言う: kuyamioiu <<<
悔しい: kuyashii: mortifying, regrettable
悔しさ: kuyashisa: chagrin, mortification, vexation
悔しがる: kuyashigaru: be mortified at, be chagrined at [by]
Kanji words: 御悔み , 懺悔 , 後悔

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