Japanese display

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 8
translation: prepare, provide
gu, ku
具: gu: ingredient, component, means
具える: sonaeru: prepare [make preparations] for, provide for [against] <<<
具: utsuwa: container, receptacle <<<
具さに: tsubusani: minutely, in detail, fully
Kanji words: 馬具 , 用具 , 玩具 , 器具 , 道具 , 家具 , 防具 , 金具 , 文房具 , 具現 , 絵具 , 敬具 , 遊具 , 寝具 , 具体 , 具合 , 雨具
Expressions: 運動具 , 取付け具 , 救命具

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