Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 13
translation: incline, lean, upset, overturn
傾く: katamuku: incline (to), lean (to, toward), list, careen, bank, be inclined (to), decline, be reduced, wane, be sinking
傾ける: katamukeru: incline, bend, tilt, lean, slant, heel, devote oneself to (doing), be absorbed in (doing), ruin, destroy
傾き: katamuki: tendency, trend, bent, turn (for), inclination, disposition, slant, slope
傾す: kutsugaesu: upset, overturn, turn over <<<
傾れ: nadare: slide, slip <<< 雪崩
傾れ込む: nadarekomu: surge [rush, swarm] into (a place) <<<
傾れ落ちる: nadareochiru: slide down <<<
Kanji words: 傾斜 , 傾向
Expressions: 精根を傾ける , 情熱を傾ける , 右に傾く , 左に傾く , 首を傾げる

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