
キーワード: , 通信
画数: 19
翻訳:tie, fasten, chain, connect, link, join
繋ぐ: つなぐ: tie, fasten, chain, connect, link, join
繋げる: つなげる
繋がり: つながり: connection, relation
繋がりが有る: つながりがある: be related (to, with), be connected (with) <<<
繋がる: つながる: be connected (with), be joined (with, to), be related (to, with)
繋がって: つながって: in a line, in succession, in a train
繋ぎ: つなぎ: connection, link, entr'acte, thickening, liaison, hedging
繋ぎに: つなぎに: to fill up the time [the gap]
繋ぎ合せる: つなぎあわせる: join [link] (a thing to another), connect (a thing with another), piece <<<
繋ぎ止める: つなぎとめる: sustain, moor <<<
繋ける: かける: connect (vt.), link, join
繋かる: かかる: connect (vi.), link, join <<< , , ,
繋: つぐ, つな: pers.
語句:数珠繋ぎ , 数珠繋ぎにする , 鎖で繋ぐ , 軛に繋ぐ , 血の繋がり , 血が繋がった , ハイフンで繋ぐ

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