
画数: 4
翻訳:piece, half
片: かた: one of a pair, half
片を付ける: かたをつける: settle (a question), clear up (a problem), dispose of, get through with <<<
片付ける: かたづける: put (things) in order, set [put] (a room) to rights, tidy (up), put away, put back, dispose of (a matter), settle (a problem), finish, close, carry [get] through, marry off (one's daughter), kill, dispatch, do away with <<<
片付く: かたづく: be put in good order, be settled, be disposed, come [be brought] to an end, be concluded, be finished, get [be] married (to) <<<
片が付く: かたがつく <<<
片寄る: かたよる: lean (to one side), incline (toward), be biased, be partial to, be prejudiced <<< ,
片寄らない: かたよらない: impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, fair <<<
片: きれ: piece, bit <<<
片: ぺんす: pence (jp.)
熟語:片道 , 片栗 , 阿片 , 欠片 , 断片 , 片足 , 片言 , 片方 , 片目 , 片手 , 片親 , 片時 , 片思 , 肉片 , 片側 , 破片 , 片隅 , 片端
語句:片仮名 , 片眼鏡 , 片手間 , 片手間に , 片手間仕事

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