
画数: 10
翻訳:shame, disgrace, dishonor, humiliation

恥: はじ: shame, disgrace, dishonor, humiliation
恥を掻く: はじをかく: be put to shame, disgrace [humiliate] oneself <<<
恥を掻かせる: はじをかかせる: shame (a person), put (a person) to shame <<<
恥を晒す: はじをさらす: disgrace oneself, make a fool [an ass] of oneself <<<
恥を忍ぶ: はじをしのぶ: bear shame, swallow an insult <<<
恥を忍んで: はじをしのんで: stoop to do <<<
恥を雪ぐ: はじをそそぐ: clear oneself from a charge, have one's revenge <<<
恥じる: はじる: be [feel ashamed]
恥ずかしい: はずかしい: be ashamed (of, that), be abashed, shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable
恥ずかしそうな: はずかしそうな: shy, bashful
恥ずかしそうに: はずかしそうに: shyly, bashfully
恥ずかしがる: はずかしがる: be [feel] shy [bashful], be coy, be self-conscious
恥じらう: はじらう: be shy [bashful], blush

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