Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
Direct access: 足台 , 椅子 , 円卓 , 押入 , 家具 , 家財 , 脚立 , 鏡台 , 組立 , 腰掛


pronunciation: ashidai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: footstool, footrest


pronunciation: isu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: chair, seat, post, position, portfolio
椅子を勧める: isuosusumeru: offer a chair <<<
椅子を狙う: isuonerau: have an eye on a post <<<
椅子から立つ: isukaratatsu: get up of the chair <<<
椅子に腰掛ける: isunikoshikakeru: sit on [in] a chair <<< 腰掛
椅子席: isuseki: seat <<<
椅子カバー: isukabaa: chair cover
揺り椅子: yuriisu: rocking chair <<<
車椅子: kurumaisu: wheelchair <<<
長椅子: nagaisu: sofa, bench <<< , ベンチ
related words: 腰掛


pronunciation: entaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: round table
円卓を囲む: entakuokakomu: sit at a round table <<<
円卓会議: entakukaigi: round-table conference <<< 会議


pronunciation: oshiire
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 押し入
keyword: furniture
translation: closet, wardrobe
押入る: oshiiru: break into, force one's way into
synonyms: クローゼット


pronunciation: kagu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: furniture, household goods
家具を入れる: kaguoireru: furnish <<<
家具付き: kagutsuki: furnished <<<
家具師: kagushi: joiner <<<
家具屋: kaguya: furniture shop [store], furniture dealer <<<
家具店: kaguten: furniture shop [store] <<<
家具一個: kaguikko: a piece of furniture <<< 一個
家具一式: kaguisshiki: a suite of furniture


pronunciation: kazai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: household effects [goods, belongings, furniture]
家財道具: kazaidougu: furnishings <<< 道具
related words: 家具


pronunciation: kyatatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: stepladder


pronunciation: kyoudai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: mirror stand, dressing table, toilet table


pronunciation: kumitate
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 組み立
keyword: furniture
translation: structure, construction, framework
組立てる: kumitateru: put [fit] (a machine) together
組立式の: kumitateshikino: fabricated, sectional <<<
組立図: kumitatezu: assembly drawing <<<
組立工: kumitatekou: assembler (person) <<<
組立工場: kumitatekoujou: assembly plant <<< 工場
組立住宅: kumitatejuutaku: prefabricated house, prefab <<< 住宅
組立家屋: kumitatekaoku <<< 家屋
組立本箱: kumitatehonbako: sectional bookcase <<< 本箱
組立椅子: kumitateisu: sectional chair <<< 椅子
synonyms: 構造 , キット


pronunciation: koshikake
kanji characters: ,
keyword: furniture
translation: seat, stool, chair, bench
腰掛ける: koshikakeru: sit down (on a chair)
腰掛け仕事: koshikakeshigoto: stopgap [temporary] work <<< 仕事
related words: 椅子

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