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Direct access: , , , , 暗号 , 安全 , 火気 , 監視 , 危険 , 脅威

category: to learn in school
keyword: security
Number of strokes: 6
translation: defend, guard, protect, escort, keep, fulfill, obey, observe, follow, stick [adhere] to
shu, su
守る: mamoru: defend, guard, protect, escort, keep, fulfill, obey, observe, follow, stick [adhere] to
守り: mamori: defense (against), protection, amulet, talisman
守りに付く: mamorinitsuku: take up the defensive <<<
守りを固める: mamoriokatameru: strengthen the defense <<<
守りを解く: mamoriotoku: lift the defense <<<
守え: sonae: preparations, readiness, defense <<<
守: misao: chastity <<<
守める: osameru: govern, rule [rein] over, administer <<<
守り: mori: caretaker (jp.), guard (man)
守: kami: governor (suff., jp.)
守: mori: pers.

category: to learn in school
keyword: security
Number of strokes: 6
translation: danger, risk, peril
危ない: abunai: dangerous, perilous, injurious, risky, hazardous, adventurous, insecure, unsafe, critical, serious, grave, Look out! Be careful!
危ない目に遭う: abunaimeniau: be exposed to a danger
危ない橋を渡る: abunaihashiowataru: tread [walk] on thin ice
危ない所を助かる: abunaitokorootasukaru: have a lucky escape, have a close shave, escape by the skin of one's teeth
危うい: ayaui: compromising, dangerous, perilous, injurious, risky, hazardous, adventurous
危うくする: ayaukusuru: endanger, imperil, jeopardize
危ぶむ: ayabumu: be afraid (of, that), fear, have misgivings (about), doubt (v.), be doubtful (of, whether), distrust

category: to learn in school
keyword: number , security
Number of strokes: 12
translation: round, number, order, period
ban, han
番: ban: number, turn, guard (jp.), watch, lookout
番をする: bannosuru: keep watch (over), keep an (one's) eye (on), tend, look after, stand guard (over)
番: kawarugawaru: one after another
番: tsugai: pair (of animals, birds), couple, brace
番う: tsugau: pair (v.), couple, mate, copulate

category: JIS1
keyword: security
Number of strokes: 17
translation: key, wedge
鍵: kagi: key, lock (jp.)
鍵を掛ける: kagiokakeru: lock (v.) <<<
鍵を閉める: kagioshimeru <<<
鍵が掛かっている: kagigakakatteiru: be locked <<<
鍵で錠を開ける: kagidejouoakeru: unlock (v.)
鍵を開ける: kagioakeru <<<
鍵を回す: kagiomawasu: turn the key <<<
synonyms: キー


pronunciation: angou
keyword: security
translation: cipher, code, cryptograph, cryptogram
暗号で書く: angoudekaku: write in cipher <<<
暗号を使う: angouotsukau <<< 使
暗号を解く: angouotoku: decipher, decode <<<
暗号を解読する: angouokaidokusuru <<< 解読
暗号機: angouki: cipher machine <<<
暗号文: angoubun: ciphered message [text] <<<
暗号電報: angoudenpou: ciphered cable [telegram] <<< 電報
暗号通貨: angoutsuuka: cryptocurrency <<< 通貨
related words: 合図


pronunciation: anzen
keyword: transport , security
translation: safety, security
安全な: anzennna: safe, secure (a.)
安全に: anzennni: safely, securely
安全にする: anzennnisuru: secure (v.), make safe
安全弁: anzenben: safety valve <<<
安全柵: anzensaku: security barrier <<<
安全策: anzensaku: backstop <<<
安全第一: anzendaiichi: safety first <<< 第一
安全装置: anzensouchi: safety lock, safeguard <<< 装置
安全剃刀: anzenkamisori: safety razor <<< 剃刀
安全地帯: anzenchitai: safety zone <<< 地帯
安全保障条約: anzenhoshoujouyaku: security pact <<< 条約
安全保障理事会: anzenhoshourijikai: Security Council
安全ベルト: anzenberuto: seat belt
安全ピン: anzenpin: safety pin
related words: 無難


pronunciation: kaki
keyword: security
translation: fire
火気厳禁: kakigenkin: The lighting of fires is prohibited


pronunciation: kanshi
keyword: security
translation: superintendence, watch (n.), lookout, surveillance
監視する: kanshisuru: superintend, watch (v.), exercise surveillance (over)
監視兵: kanshihei: lookout man <<<
監視人: kanshinin: superintendent, watchman, warder, picket, ranger <<< , 番人
監視員: kanshiin <<<
監視所: kanshisho: observation post, watchhouse <<<
監視塔: kanshitou: watchtower <<<
監視船: kanshisen: coastguard ship., fishing guard <<<
監視カメラ: kanshikamera: monitoring [security] camera
related words: 警備


pronunciation: kiken
keyword: security
translation: danger, risk (n.), peril
危険な: kikennna: dangerous, risky, perilous
危険を冒す: kikennookasu: risk (v.), venture <<<
危険に曝す: kikennnisarasu: endanger, jeopardize <<<
危険を避ける: kikennosakeru: avoid danger <<<
危険を防ぐ: kikennohusegu <<<
危険に陥る: kikennniochiiru: get into danger <<<
危険物: kikenbutsu: dangerous article <<<
危険地帯: kikenchitai: danger zone <<< 地帯
危険区域: kikenkuiki <<< 区域
危険人物: kikenjinbutsu: dangerous character <<< 人物
危険思想: kikenshisou: dangerous thoughts <<< 思想
危険信号: kikenshingou: SOS <<< 信号
危険手当: kikenteate: danger allowance <<< 手当
related words: 脅威 , リスク


pronunciation: kyoui
keyword: security
translation: threat, menace (n.)
脅威を与える: kyouioataeru: threaten, menace (v.) <<<
脅威と成る: kyouitonaru <<<
脅威を感じる: kyouiokanjiru: feel threatened <<<
脅威に曝される: kyouinisarasareru: be open [exposed] to the menace <<<
related words: 危険

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