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Direct access: , , , , , , 園児 , 園長 , 夏期 , 課程

category: to learn in school
keyword: school
Number of strokes: 8
translation: learn, study
学ぶ: manabu: learn, study, take lessons
学が有る: gakugaaru: be learned, be educated <<<
学を修める: gakuoosameru: pursue one's studies <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: school
Number of strokes: 9
translation: class, category, rank, distinction, division
科: shina: class, category, rank
科: hodo: degree, level <<<
科: sujime: distinction (of categories)
科: toga: (category of) crime, fault

category: to learn in school
keyword: school
Number of strokes: 9
translation: class, rank, position
級: shina: class, category, rank <<< ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: school
Number of strokes: 10
translation: shackles, judge, think, school (bor.)
kou, kyou
校: kase: shackles
校べる: kuraberu: judge (v.) <<<
校える: kangaeru: think <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: school
Number of strokes: 11
translation: braid, unite, associate
組む: kumu: unite [associate, cooperate] (with), enter into partnership (with), conspire (with), pair [team up] (with), be matched (against), grapple (with), cross (one's legs), fold (one's arms), plait, braid (a cord)
組: kumi: group (jp.), party, pair, band, class
組み入れる: kumiireru: class (A with B), include (A in B), incorporate (A into B) <<<
組み込む: kumikomu <<<
組み付く: kumitsuku: grapple [close] with, come to grips with, clinch <<<
組み伏せる: kumihuseru: hold [pin] (a person) down <<<
組: kumihimo: plaited cord, braid <<< 組紐
synonyms: クラス , グループ

category: common usage
keyword: school
Number of strokes: 14
translation: (building of ) school
塾: juku: preparatory academy
塾: manabiya: (building of ) school


pronunciation: enji
keyword: school
translation: kindergartner


pronunciation: enchou
keyword: school
translation: kindergarten director, zoo director, principal
related words: 校長


pronunciation: kaki
keyword: calendar , school
translation: summer period
夏期の: kakino: summer (a.), summery
夏期時間: kakijikan: daylight saving time, summer time <<< 時間
夏期学校: kakigakkou: summer school <<< 学校
夏期講習: kakikoushuu: summer lecture class [course] <<< 講習
夏期講座: kakikouza <<< 講座
夏期休暇: kakikyuuka: summer vacation [holidays] <<< 休暇
synonyms: 夏季
antonyms: 冬期


pronunciation: katei
keyword: school
translation: course
課程を終える: kateiooeru: finish one's course <<<
課程表: kateihyou: curriculum, syllabus, course of instruction <<<
related words: 教科

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