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Direct access: , , , 赤字 , 円高 , 円安 , 貨幣 , 為替 , 関税 , 外貨

category: to learn in school
keyword: time , china , economy
Number of strokes: 4
translation: origin, source, beginning, first day of the year, leader, yuan (a Chinese money), Yuan dynasty (a Mongolian dynasty in China, 1271 AD-1368 AD)
gen, kan
元: koube: head (neck)
元: moto: origin, source, beginning, foundation, basis, root, capital, principal (n.), cost price, materials
元の: motono: former, ex, old
元は: motowa: formerly, once, before, originally
元から: motokara: from the beginning [first]
元を掛ける: motookakeru: invest (in), put money (in, into) <<<
元が掛かる: motogakakaru: require much money [a large capital], occasion costs <<<
元も子も無くす: motomokomonakusu: lose both principal and interest, lose all [everything]
元も子も無い: motomokomonai
元を取る: motootoru: recover cost <<<
元を切って売る: motookitteuru: sell below cost
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: game , economy
Number of strokes: 5
translation: bundle, card, label, check, handbill, placard
札: satsu: banknote (jp.), bank bill
札を崩す: satsuokuzusu: change a note <<<
札: huda: card, label, check, handbill, placard, notice board
札を付ける: hudaotsukeru: attach [put on] a card, label (v.), tag <<<
札を立てる: hudaotateru: put up a board <<<
札を配る: hudaokubaru: deal the cards <<<
synonyms: カード , ラベル

category: to learn in school
keyword: economy
Number of strokes: 12
translation: tax, duty, toll, tribute
zei, sei, datsu, etsu
税: zei: tax, duty, toll
税: mitsugi: tribute


pronunciation: akaji
keyword: finance , economy
translation: red figure, deficit, negative balance
赤字の: akajino: in deficit, loss-making
赤字が出る: akajigaderu: get into the red figures, show a deficit <<<
赤字を埋める: akajioumeru: cover [make up] deficit <<<
赤字公債: akajikousai: red-ink bond, deficit-financing bond
赤字財政: akajizaisei: red-ink [deficit] finance <<< 財政
赤字予算: akajiyosan: unbalanced budget <<< 予算
antonyms: 黒字


pronunciation: endaka
keyword: economy
translation: high yen-rate, Yen appreciation
related words: 円安


pronunciation: ennyasu
keyword: economy
translation: low yen-rate, Yen depreciation
related words: 円高


pronunciation: kahei
keyword: economy
translation: money, coin, currency
貨幣を鋳る: kaheioiru: mint coins <<<
貨幣を鋳造する: kaheiochuuzousuru <<< 鋳造
貨幣価値: kaheikachi: value of money [currency] <<< 価値
貨幣経済: kaheikeizai: monetary [money] economy <<< 経済
貨幣本位: kaheihonni: monetary standard
貨幣制度: kaheiseido: monetary system <<< 制度
貨幣単位: kaheitanni: monetary unit <<< 単位
貨幣流通: kaheiryuutsuu: monetary circulation
貨幣流通高: kaheiryuutsuudaka: amount [volume] of money in circulation
related words: 硬貨 , 紙幣


pronunciation: kawase
keyword: finance , economy
translation: exchange, money order
為替を組む: kawaseokumu: draw a money order <<<
為替を振出す: kawaseohuridasu <<< 振出
為替を送金する: kawaseosoukinsuru: remit money order <<< 送金
為替を現金化する: kawaseogenkinkasuru: cash a money-order, have a money order cashed
為替を現金に換える: kawaseogenkinnnikaeru
為替市場: kawaseshijou: exchange market <<< 市場
為替相場: kawasesouba: exchange rate <<< 相場
為替レート: kawasereeto
為替管理: kawasekanri: exchange control [regulation] <<< 管理
為替手形: kawasetegata: bill of exchange, draft <<< 手形
為替取引: kawasetorihiki: exchange dealing <<< 取引
為替振出人: kawasehuridashinin: drawer
為替受取人: kawaseuketorinin: payee
為替差益: kawasesaeki: exchange profit
為替差損: kawasesason: exchange loss
related words: 送金


pronunciation: kanzei
keyword: politics , economy
translation: customs duty, customs, tariff
関税の掛かる: kanzeinokakaru: dutiable, customable <<<
関税の掛からない: kanzeinokakaranai: duty-free, tax-free
関税を課する: kanzeiokasuru: levy [impose] a duty <<<
関税率: kanzeiritsu: tariff rate, customs tariff <<<
関税局: kanzeikyoku: customs bureau <<<
関税吏: kanzeiri: customs officer <<<
関税壁: kanzeiheki: tariff wall [barrier] <<<
関税障壁: kanzeishouheki
関税申告: kanzeishinkoku: customs declaration <<< 申告
関税改正: kanzeikaisei: customs reform <<< 改正
関税協定: kanzeikyoutei: tariff agreement, customs convention <<< 協定
関税同盟: kanzeidoumei: customs union <<< 同盟
related words: 税関 , タックス


pronunciation: gaika
keyword: finance , economy
translation: foreign currency, exchange
外貨建て: gaikadate: transaction [payment] with [in] foreign currency, foreign exchange transaction <<<
外貨を獲得する: gaikaokakutokusuru: obtain foreign currency <<< 獲得
外貨獲得: gaikakakutoku: acquisition of foreign currency
外貨予算: gaikayosan: foreign exchange budget <<< 予算
外貨手形: gaikategata: foreign currency bill <<< 手形
外貨換算: gaikakansan: foreign currency translation
外貨貯金: gaikachokin: foreign currency deposit <<< 貯金
外貨準備高: gaikajunbidaka: foreign exchange reserves
外貨保有高: gaikahoyuudaka: foreign currency holdings
related words: 為替

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