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category: to learn in school
keyword: time , china , economy
Number of strokes: 4
translation: origin, source, beginning, first day of the year, leader, yuan (a Chinese money), Yuan dynasty (a Mongolian dynasty in China, 1271 AD-1368 AD)
gen, kan
元: koube: head (neck)
元: moto: origin, source, beginning, foundation, basis, root, capital, principal (n.), cost price, materials
元の: motono: former, ex, old
元は: motowa: formerly, once, before, originally
元から: motokara: from the beginning [first]
元を掛ける: motookakeru: invest (in), put money (in, into) <<<
元が掛かる: motogakakaru: require much money [a large capital], occasion costs <<<
元も子も無くす: motomokomonakusu: lose both principal and interest, lose all [everything]
元も子も無い: motomokomonai
元を取る: motootoru: recover cost <<<
元を切って売る: motookitteuru: sell below cost
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category: to learn in school
keyword: position , china
Number of strokes: 8
translation: around, round, turn, perimeter, contour, outline, neighborhood, Zhou dynasty (a Chinese dynasty, 1046 BC-246 BC)
shuu, shu
周し: amaneshi, amaneku: widely, broadly, universally <<<
周る: meguru: go around
周り: mawari: perimeter, surrounding, neighborhood
周りに: mawarini: around, round, about
周りを: mawario

category: to learn in school
keyword: optics , china
Number of strokes: 8
translation: bright, clear, evident, obvious, light, illumination, Ming dynasty (a Chinese dynasty, 1368 AD-1644 AD)
mei, myou, min
明らか: akiraka: evident, obvious, clear (fig.), distinct, plain
明らかに: akirakani: clearly, distinctly, plainly, undoubtedly, certainly
明らかにする: akirakanisuru: make (one's position) clear, clarify, explain, throw light upon, make (a matter) public
明るい: akarui: bright, luminous, shining, clear
明るく: akaruku: brightly, luminously, clearly
明ける: akeru: dawn (vi.)
明かす: akasu: spend a night, sit up all night, reveal, disclose, tell (the truth), divulge (a secret)
明かり: akari: light (n.), illumination, lamp <<< , , ライト
明く: aku: open (jp.), become vacant <<< ,
明き: aki: opening (jp.), gap
明かりを点ける: akariotsukeru: make a light, turn [switch] on the light <<<
明かりを消す: akariokesu: put out the light, turn [switch] off the light <<<
明かりを取る: akariotoru: let light in <<<
明けても暮ても: aketemokuretemo: day and night, day in, day out, all the time <<<
明るみに出す: akaruminidasu: bring (a matter) to light, make (a matter) public <<<
明るみに出る: akaruminideru: become known, come [be brought] to light <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: china
Number of strokes: 11
translation: pure, clean, neat, Qing Dynasty (a Manchu dynasty in China, 1644 AD-1912 AD)
sei, shou, shin
清い: kiyoi: pure, clean
清らかな: kiyorakana
清い水: kiyoimizu: pure water <<<
清い心: kiyoikokoro: pure heart <<<
清める: kiyomeru: purify, clean (v.)
清まる: kiyomaru: become pure, become clean

category: to learn in school
keyword: business , china
Number of strokes: 11
translation: commerce, deal, trade, merchant, measure (ext.), Shang (a Chinese dynasty, 1700 BC - 1046 BC)
商い: akinai: trade, business, trading
商う: akinau: deal (v.), trade
商: akindo: merchant <<< 商人
商る: hakaru: measure (v.) <<< ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: china
Number of strokes: 13
translation: Chinese, Han dynasty (a Chinese dynasty, 206 BC - 220 AD)
漢: kara: China (jp.)

category: common usage
keyword: china
Number of strokes: 10
translation: wide, vast, Tang dynasty (a Chinese dynasty, 618 AD-907 AD)
唐い: hiroi: wide, vast <<<
唐: kara: China (jp.)
唐: morokoshi: China (jp.), corn

category: common usage
keyword: china
Number of strokes: 12
translation: go over, cross over, Yue (a kingdom in south-east China, 600 BC-334 BC), Vietnam (pref.)
etsu, ochi, katsu
越える: koeru: cross (over), go over [across], pass (through), go [run] through, outrun, outstrip, leave a person far behind, surpass, exceed, rise above, be better than, excel
越す: kosu: cross (over), go over (across), pass (through), go [run] through, outrun, outstrip, leave a person far behind, surpass, exceed, rise above, be better than, excel, move, remove
越に: kokoni: here is
越: koshi: region of Hokuriku (jp.)
related words: ベトナム

category: JIS1
keyword: china
Number of strokes: 7
translation: Song dynasty (a Chinese dynasty, 960 AD-1279 AD)

category: JIS1
keyword: china
Number of strokes: 10
translation: Qin dynasty (a Chinese dynasty, 778 BC-207 BC)
shin, jin
秦: hata: pers.

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