ページ番号: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18
直接アクセス: , , , , , , , , ,

画数: 3
翻訳:mouth, lips, tongue, hole
コウ, ク
口: くち: mouth, lips, hole, cork, stopper, plug, tap, speech, words, tongue
口にする: くちにする: eat (a bit), tell sb. about sth.
口に合う: くちにあう: suit one's taste [palate] <<<
口をする: くちをする: cork (v.), plug up, stop
口を開ける: くちをあける: uncork, unstop, open, (begin to) speak <<<
口を切る: くちをきる: break the silence, break the ice <<<
口を利く: くちをきく: speak, mediate (between), recommend <<<
口を割る: くちをわる: tell, disclose (a secret) <<<
口を揃えて: くちをそろえて: in chorus, with one accord <<<
口の重い: くちのおもい: taciturn, reticent, (a man) of few words <<<
口の軽い: くちのかるい: talkative, loquacious <<< , 御喋り
口の堅い: くちのかたい: closemouthed, tightlipped <<<
口の悪い: くちのわるい: foul-tongued, sarcastic, slanderous <<<
口の達者な: くちのたっしゃな: fluent, glib-tongued
口の上手い: くちのうまい: honey-tongued, fair-spoken
口説く: くどく: make advances to, curt (a woman), entreat, solicit, persuade <<<
口説き落とす: くどきおとす: win a person's heart, win (a person) over, make a conquest of (a woman)
口汚い: くちぎたない: foul-mouthed, foul-tongued, abusive <<<
口籠る: くちごもる: mumble, stammer, falter <<<
口遊む: くちずさむ: hum, croon <<<
口喧しい: くちやかましい: nagging, faultfinding, censorious, particular, strident <<<
口は災いの元: くちはわさわいのもと: Out of the mouth comes evil
口: あな: hole, opening, aperture <<<

画数: 4
翻訳:hair, feather, down, plumage, wool
毛: け
毛の: けの: woolen, fur
毛のシャツ: けのしゃつ: woolen undershirt
毛の無い: けのない: hairless, bald <<< , 禿
毛の長い: けのながい: long-haired <<<
毛の生えた: けのはえた: hairy <<<
毛が生える: けがはえる: Hair grows (on) <<<
毛が伸びる: けがのびる <<<
毛が抜ける: けがぬける: Hair falls out <<<
毛を切る: けをきる: cut sb.'s hair, get a haircut, get [have] one's hair cut <<<
毛を染める: けをそめる: dye one's hair <<<
毛を抜く: けをぬく: pluck (bird), tear one's hair <<<
毛を毟る: けをむしる <<<
毛程も: けほども: (not) a bit, (not) a fig <<<

画数: 4
翻訳:hand, person in charge
手: て: hand, arm, palm, paw, method (jp.), trick, move
手ら: てずから: oneself
手の甲: てのこう: back of the hand <<<
手の平: てのひら: palm of the hand <<< ,
手を上げる: てをあげる: raise one's hand, lift one's hand (against), throw up one's hands <<<
手を離す: てをはなす: let go one's hold (of), release <<<
手を触れる: てをふれる: touch, feel <<<
手を握る: てをにぎる: close one's hand, grasp a person's hand, shake hands (with), reconcile with <<< , 握手
手を押える: てをおさえる: seize (a person) by hand, seize a person's hand <<<
手を取る: てをとる: take (a person) by hand, take a person's hand <<<
手を尽くす: てをつくす: try every (possible) means <<<
手を貸す: てをかす: lend (a person) a (helping) hand <<<
手を出す: てをだす: put [hold] out one's hands, have a hand in, concern oneself with, embark on, meddle with [in], make advances to, make a pass at, dabble <<<
手を下す: てをくだす: begin, put [set] one's hand to, get to (work), kill <<<
手を回す: てをまわす: send out (helping) hands, prepare, make ready <<<
手を着ける: てをつける: touch, lay hands [a finger] on, put [set] one's hand to, have one's will with <<<
手を打つ: てをうつ: clap one's hands, strike a bargain, come to an agreement (with) <<<
手に余る: てにあまる: cannot control, be unmanageable, be too much for one, be more than one's much, be beyond one's power [control] <<<
手に入れる: てにいれる: get, obtain, win, take [gain] possession of, come by <<<
手厚い: てあつい: hospitable, courteous, cordial, warm <<<
手堅い: てがたい: safe, trust-worthy, steady and honest <<<
手早い: てばやい: quick, nimble <<<
手酷い: てひどい: severe, harsh, violent, cruel, merciless <<<
手広い: てびろい: extensive, wide, roomy, commodious, spacious <<<
関連語: , ハンド

画数: 5
翻訳:skin, leather

皮: かわ
皮の: かわの: leather (a.), leather-made

キーワード: 単位 , , 光学
画数: 5
翻訳:eye, vision, mesh, texture
モク, ボク
目: もく: unit to count points in go game (jp.)
目: め: eye, sight, vision, attention, notice, judgment, point of view, standpoint, mesh, tooth of saw, texture, stitch, grain, weight unit (ca. 3.75 g, jp.)
目の: めの: ocular, optical, visual
目が良い: めがよい, めがいい: have good sight <<<
目が悪い: めがわるい: have bad [poor] sight <<<
目が回る: めがまわる: be [feel] dizzy <<<
目が無い: めがない: have a weakness for, be exceedingly fond of <<<
目が覚める: めがさめる: (become) awake, be awakened, come to oneself <<<
目に余る: めにあまる: be too much for one to connive at, be unpardonable <<<
目に見えない: めにみえない: invisible, unseen, imperceptible <<<
目に留まる: めにとまる: attract a person's attention [notice], catch [strike] a person's eye <<<
目を付ける: めをつける: have one's [keep an] eye on, watch, mark, aim at <<<
目を掛ける: めをかける: look after, take care of, favor <<<
目を引く: めをひく: draw [attract] a person's attention <<<
目を回す: めをまわす: roll one's eye, faint, swoon, be stunned <<<
目を離す: めをはなす: look aside [away], take one's eyes off <<<
目を瞑る: めをつぶる: close [shut] one's eyes, wink [connive] (at a person's fault)
目の粗い: めのあらい: coarse <<<
目で知らせる: めでしらせる: make a sign with the eye, wink (at) <<< , ウインク
目立つ: めだつ: stand out, be conspicuous (by, for), be striking, attract attention <<<
目立たない: めだたない: in a quiet, [modest] way, so as not to attract attention <<<
目掛ける: めがける: aim at, have an eye to <<<
目から鱗: めからうろこ: seeing the light, being awakened to the truth <<<
同意語: , アイ

画数: 6

耳: みみ: ear, edge, selvage, selvedge
耳が早い: みみがはやい: be quick of hearing <<<
耳が良い: みみがいい <<<
耳が遠い: みみがとおい: be hard of hearing <<<
耳が鳴る: みみがなる: have a ringing [singing, buzzing] in one's ears, One's ears ring [sing] <<<
耳にする: みみにする: hear <<<
耳に入る: みみにはいる: learn, reach one's ears, come to one's knowledge <<<
耳に入れる: みみにいれる: informer <<<
耳に残る: みみにのこる: ring [linger] in one's ear <<<
耳を貸す: みみをかす: lend one's ear to <<<
耳を貸さない: みみをかさない: give no ear to, turn a deaf ear to, won't listen to <<<
耳を澄ます: みみをすます: pick up [strain, cock] one's ears <<<
耳を欹てる: みみをそばだてる
耳が痛い: みみがいたい: have an earache, be ashamed to hear (it), tingle in one's ears <<<

キーワード: ,
画数: 6
翻訳:meat, flesh
ニク, ジク
肉が付く: にくがつく: gain flesh, get fat <<<
肉が落ちる: にくがおちる: lose flesh, get thin <<<
肉の厚い: にくのあつい: thick <<<
肉の多い: にくのおおい: fleshy, fat <<<
肉の薄い: にくのうすい: thin <<<
肉の無い: にくのない: fleshless, thin <<<
肉の締まった: にくのしまった: muscular, brawny, well-knit <<<

画数: 6
ゼツ, セツ
舌: した: tongue, reed, clapper
舌の: したの: lingual
舌の先: したのさき: tip of the tongue <<<
舌が荒れる: したがあれる: One's tongue is sore <<<
舌が回る: したがまわる: have a long tongue, wag one's tongue <<<
舌が回らない: したがまわならい: be inarticulate, be unable to speak distinctly, speak with lips <<<
舌を出す: したをだす: put [stick] out the tongue <<<
舌をだらりと垂らす: したをだらりとたらす: loll out the tongue <<<
舌を噛む: したをかむ: bite one's tongue <<<
舌を鳴らす: したをならす: clack the tongue <<<
舌を巻く: したをまく: marvel (at), be speechless with admiration <<<
舌を滑らす: したをすべらす: make a mistake (speaking error), make a slip (of the tongue), misspeak (oneself) <<<
舌足らずの: したたらずの: tongue-tied, short and sweet <<<

画数: 7
翻訳:foot, leg, sufficient (bor.), enough
ソク, ショク, スウ
足: あし: foot, leg, limb, paw, step, pace
足の裏: あしのうら: sole of a foot <<<
足の甲: あしのこう: instep <<<
足の指: あしのゆび: toe <<<
足を組む: あしをくむ: cross one's legs <<<
足を伸ばす: あしをのばす: stretch one's legs <<<
足が速い: あしがはやい: be swift of foot, be a fast walker <<<
足が遅い: あしがおそい: be slow of foot, be a slow walker <<<
足が付く: あしがつく: give a clue to the police <<<
足を洗う: あしをあらう: wash one's feet, quit a life of shame <<<
足を出す: あしをだす: cannot make both ends meet <<<
足りる: たりる: be sufficient, enough
足る: たる
足す: たす: add <<<
足しに成る: たしになる: help (v.), be useful <<<
足しにする: たしにする: supply, supplement
足: たる, たり, なり, みつ, ゆき: pers.
関連語: ,

違う綴り: 體
キーワード: , 医学
画数: 7
翻訳:body, main part
タイ, テイ
体: からだ: body, physique, constitution, frame, health
体の: からだの: bodily, physical
体の大きい: からだのおおきい: large-sized, of large figure <<<
体の小さい: からだのちいさい: small-sized, short <<<
体中に: からだじゅうに: all over the body <<<
体が弱い: からだがよわい: have a weak constitution <<< , 病弱
体が続かない: からだがつづかない: be not physically strong enough <<<
体が悪い: からだがわるい: feel unwell <<<
体に悪い: からだにわるい: be bad for the health <<<
体に良い: からだにいい: be good for the health <<<
体に障る: からだにさわる: affect one's health <<<
体を壊す: からだをこわす: hurt [injure] one's health <<<
体が空いている: からだがあいている: be free, be not engaged, have time to spare <<<
同意語: , ボディー

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