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Direct access: , , , , , , , 合の子 , 異種 , 萎縮

category: to learn in school
keyword: medicine , biology
Number of strokes: 6
translation: blood, lineage
ketsu, kechi
血: chi
血が出る: chigaderu: Blood runs [flows] out, Blood oozes, bleed <<< , 出血
血を出す: chiodasu: shed [let] blood <<<
血を流す: chionagasu <<<
血を吐く: chiohaku: cough out [spit] blood, vomit blood <<<
血を止める: chiotomeru: stop the bleeding [blood] <<< , 止血
血の付いた: chinotsuita: stained with blood, bloodstained <<<
血を見る: chiomiru: end in bloodshed <<<
血に飢えた: chiniueta: bloodthirsty <<<
血の繋がり: chinotsunagari: blood relationship <<<
血が繋がった: chigatsunagatta: related (to a person) by blood <<<
血を沸かす: chiowakasu: stir one's blood <<<
血の気の無い: chinokenonai: pale (and bloodless)
血の気の多い: chinokenoooi: hot-blooded, sanguine
血塗れの: chimamireno: bloodly, blood-stained <<<
血祭にする: chimatsurinisuru: make a person the first victim (to), make a scapegoat of a person (for) <<<
血迷う: chimayou: run [go] mud, be crazed, lose one's senses [mind] <<<

category: common usage
keyword: biology , medicine
Number of strokes: 7
translation: pregnant, pregnancy
nin, jin
妊む: haramu: conceive, become pregnant <<<

category: common usage
keyword: biology
Number of strokes: 11
translation: mushroom, mildew, microbe
kin, gin
菌: kin: bacillus, germ, fungus, mildew, microbe
菌: kinoko: mushroom <<<
synonyms: バクテリア

category: common usage
keyword: biology
Number of strokes: 14
translation: membrane, film
maku, baku, bo
related words: フィルム

category: JIS1
keyword: biology
Number of strokes: 9
translation: coral
珊: sango
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: biology
Number of strokes: 13
translation: coral
ko, go
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: biology
Number of strokes: 23
translation: mold, mildew
bi, mi, bai, mai
黴: kabi
黴る: kabiru: get musty, go moldy
黴が生える: kabigahaeru <<<
黴た: kabita: musty, moldy, mildewed
黴が生えた: kabigahaeta <<<
黴臭い: kabikusai <<<
黴の生えた話: kabinohaetahanashi: stale talk, old chestnut
related words:


pronunciation: ainoko
other spells: 間の子
keyword: family , biology
translation: crossbreed, hybrid (n.), mongrel, metis
合の子の: ainokono: crossed, hybrid (a.)
related words: 混血 , ハイブリッド


pronunciation: ishu
keyword: biology
translation: different species [kind]
異種の: ishuno: various, different, heterogeneous
異種交配: ishukouhai: hybridization, crossing, crossbreed, hybrid <<< ハイブリッド
related words: 混血


pronunciation: ishuku
keyword: medicine , biology
translation: atrophy, obsolescence
萎縮の: ishukuno: obsolescent, atrophic
萎縮する: ishukusuru: atrophy (v.), wither, shrink, dwindle

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