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Direct access: , , , , , , , , , 天の川

category: to learn in school
keyword: astronomy , calendar
Number of strokes: 4
translation: moon, month
getsu, gatsu
月: tsuki
月が出る: tsukigaderu: The moon is up <<<
月が沈む: tsukigashizumu: The moon is sitting <<<
月が満ちる: tsukigamichiru: The moon waxes <<<
月が欠ける: tsukigakakeru: The moon wanes <<<
月の光: tsukinohikari: moonlight <<<
月の明り: tsukinoakari <<<
月の明りで: tsukinoakaride: by the moonlight <<<
月の石: tsukinoishi: lunar rock <<<
月の入り: tsukinoiri: moonset <<<
月の出: tsukinode: moonrise, rising of the moon <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: astronomy , calendar
Number of strokes: 4
translation: day, sun
nichi, jitsu
日: hi: day, sun, emperor (jp.)
日: hibi: every day
日: ka: unit to count days (jp.)
日が出る: higaderu: The sun rises [goes up] <<< , 日出
日が入る: higahairu: The sun sets [goes down] <<< , 日入
日の当る: hinoataru: sunny, sunshiny <<<
日に当る: hiniataru: bask [bathe] in the sun <<<
日に焼ける: hiniyakeru: be sunburnt <<<
日に干す: hinihosu: dry (a thing) in the sun <<<
日に曝す: hinisarasu: expose (a thing) to the sun <<<
日が経つ: higatatsu: days go by <<<
日が暮れる: higakureru: Night falls, It gets dark <<<
日を送る: hiookuru: pass one's days [time] <<<
日に日に: hinihini: day by [after] day, every day, rapidly, with rapid strides
synonyms: 太陽
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: religion , astronomy
Number of strokes: 4
translation: heaven, god, sky
天から: tenkara: from the heavens, from above
天の: tennno: heavenly, celestial
天の声: tennnokoe: God's voice, order from a powerful person <<<
天の方に: tennnohouni: heavenward, skyward <<<
天を仰ぐ: tennoaogu: look up in the sky <<<
天に祈る: tennniinoru: pray to God <<<
天の助け: tennnotasuke: God's help <<<
天は自ら助ける者を助く: tenwamizukaratasukerumonootasuku: Heaven helps those who help themselves
天と地: tentochi: Heaven and Earth (an Olivier Stone's film, 1993) <<<
天: ama: heaven, god
天: ame
天: sora: sky <<<
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: astronomy
Number of strokes: 8
translation: universe, heaven, sky, on air
宙に: chuuni: in the air, in midair
宙: sora: heaven, sky <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: astronomy
Number of strokes: 8
translation: sky, heavens, open, hollow, empty
kuu, kou, ku
空: kara: emptiness
空っぽ: karappo
空の: karano: empty (a.), vacant, blank
空っぽの: karappono
空にする: karanisuru: empty (vi.), make empty
空に成る: karaninaru: empty (vt.), become empty, be emptied <<<
空く: aku: open (vi.), empty, become empty, be emptied <<<
空ける: akeru: open (vt.), empty, make empty
空: sora: sky, air, heavens
空を飛ぶ: soraotobu: fly in the air [sky] <<<
空高く: soratakaku: up in the air [sky] <<<
空しい: munashii: empty, vacant, futile, vain <<<
空しく: munashiku: in vain, to no purpose, idly, in idleness
空: ana: hole, hollow <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: astronomy
Number of strokes: 9
translation: star, one's fortune
sei, shou
星: hoshi: star, one's fortune, point (jp.), mark, culprit
星の: hoshino: astral
星が光る: hoshigahikaru: A star twinkles <<<
星が瞬く: hoshigamatataku <<<
星が流れる: hoshiganagareru: A meteor shoots <<<
星が落ちる: hoshigaochiru <<<
星の出ていない: hoshigadeteinai: starless <<<
星を鏤めた: hoshiochiribameta: star-spangled <<<
星を挙げる: hoshioageru: arrest the culprit <<<
related words: スター

category: common usage
keyword: astronomy
Number of strokes: 15
translation: brighten, glow, shine, sparkle, twinkle, glitter, burn
輝く: kagayaku
輝かす: kagayakasu: light up, brighten
輝かしい: kagayakashii: shining, bright, glorious
輝き: kagayaki: radiance, brightness, brilliancy, sheen
輝き渡る: kagayakiwataru: shine all around <<<
synonyms: 耀
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: astronomy
Number of strokes: 9
translation: Pleiades
昴: subaru

category: JIS2
keyword: astronomy
Number of strokes: 13
translation: shine, glitter, gleam
煌く: kagayaku <<< , 耀
煌き: kirameki: glitter (n.), sparkle, flash, twinkle, twinkling
煌く: kirameku: glittering (a.), brilliant, sparkling, twinkling, glitter (v.), glisten, sparkle, twinkle


pronunciation: amanogawa
keyword: astronomy
translation: Milky Way
synonyms: 銀河

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