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Direct access: 雰囲気 , 漫画 , 満喫 , 夢中 , 模型 , 物好き , 物見 , 山登り , 遊園 , 余暇


pronunciation: hunniki
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: amusement
translation: atmosphere, ambiance
雰囲気を作る: hunnikiotsukuru: create an atmosphere <<<
雰囲気を乱す: hunnikiomidasu: destroy an atmosphere <<<
雰囲気を壊す: hunnikiokowasu <<<
synonyms: ムード


pronunciation: manga
kanji characters: ,
other spells: マンガ
keyword: book , amusement
translation: caricature (n.), cartoon, comic, manga
漫画にする: manganisuru: caricature (v.), cartoon
漫画を描く: mangaoegaku <<<
漫画的: mangateki: caricatural <<<
漫画家: mangaka: caricaturist, cartoonist <<<
漫画本: mangabon: comic book <<<
漫画映画: mangaeiga: cartoon film <<< 映画
related words: アニメ ,


pronunciation: mankitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: enjoyment
満喫する: mankitsusuru: have enough (of), do ample justice (of), enjoy fully
related words: 享楽


pronunciation: muchuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: love , amusement
translation: ecstasy, trance
夢中で: muchuude: in a trance
夢中に成る: muchuuninaru: forget oneself, fall for <<<
related words: 熱中


pronunciation: mokei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement , construction
translation: model (n.), pattern, mold
模型を作る: mokeiotsukuru: model (v.), make a model <<<
模型地図: mokeichizu: relief map <<< 地図
模型飛行機: mokeihikouki: model [miniature] airplane
模型自動車: mokeijidousha: model [miniature] car <<< 自動車
related words: モデル


pronunciation: monozuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: curiosity, whim, eccentricity, curious person, curiosity seeker
物好きな: monozukina: curious, whimsical, eccentric
物好きに: monozukini: out of curiosity
物好きにも: monozukinimo
物好きで: monozukide: for fun


pronunciation: monomi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: watchtower, lookout, scout, sightseeing
物見高い: monomidakai: curious, inquisitive <<<
物見櫓: monomiyagura: watchtower, guard tower, lookout tower <<<
物見遊山: monomiyusan: pleasure seeking


pronunciation: yamanobori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature , amusement
translation: mountaineering, mountain climbing
山登りをする: yamanoboriosuru: climb a mountain, go mountaineering
related words: 登山


pronunciation: yuuen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement , kids
translation: promenade in a garden
遊園する: yuuensuru: stroll in a garden
遊園地: yuuenchi: amusement park, playground, pleasure ground, theme park <<<
related words: 公園 , 庭園


pronunciation: yoka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: leisure (hours), spare time [moments], odd moments
余暇が無い: yokaganai: have no time to spare <<<
余暇の利用: yokanoriyou: leisure activities <<< 利用
synonyms: レジャー

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