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Direct access: 四季 , 資源 , 自然 , 湿地 , 湿原 , 清水 , 斜面 , 狩猟 , 白滝 , 深淵


pronunciation: shiki
keyword: calendar , nature
translation: four seasons
四季を通じて: shikiotsuujite: at (through) all seasons, all the year round, throughout the year <<<
related words: 季節


pronunciation: shigen
keyword: nature , industry
translation: resources
資源を開発する: shigennokaihatsusuru: develop [exploit] natural resources <<< 開発
資源を保護する: shigennohogosuru: conserve natural resources <<< 保護
資源配分: shigenhaibun: resource allocation
資源リサイクル: shigenrisaikuru: recycling of resources


pronunciation: shizen
keyword: nature , environment
translation: nature
自然な: shizennna: natural, crude, wild <<< ナチュラル
自然に: shizennni: naturally
自然食: shizenshoku: natural food <<<
自然色: shizenshoku: natural color <<<
自然美: shizenbi: natural beauty <<<
自然界: shizenkai: natural world <<<
自然観: shizenkan: one's view of nature <<<
自然保護: shizenhogo: conservancy, nature conservation <<< 保護
自然現象: shizengenshou: natural phenomenon <<< 現象
自然科学: shizenkagaku: natural science <<< 科学
related words: 天然


pronunciation: shitchi, shimeji
keyword: nature , vegetable
translation: swampy land, damp ground, moor, shimeji mushroom
湿地帯: shitchitai: swampy region <<<
related words: 湿原


pronunciation: shitsugen
keyword: nature
translation: marshland, swamp
related words: 湿地


pronunciation: shimizu, kiyomizu
keyword: nature , japan
translation: spring water
清水市: shimizushi: City of Shimizu <<<
清水港: shimizukou: Shimizu Harbor <<<
清水寺: kiyomizudera: Kiyomizu Temple <<<
清水の舞台から飛び降りる: kiyomizunobutaikaratobioriru: cross the Rubicon, take a leap in the dark
岩清水: iwashimizu: spring water issuing from rocks <<<
related words: ,


pronunciation: shamen
keyword: nature
translation: slanting surface, slant, slope, inclined plane
斜面の: shamennno: sloping, declivitous, declivous
synonyms: スロープ


pronunciation: shuryou
keyword: nature , amusement
translation: hunting, shooting
狩猟する: shuryousuru: hunt, shoot
狩猟家: shuryouka: hunter <<<
狩猟場: shuryoujou: hunting ground <<<
狩猟期: shuryouki: hunting season <<<
狩猟法: shuryouhou: game law <<<
狩猟服: shuryouhuku: hunting costume <<<
狩猟免状: shuryoumenjou: hunting license <<< 免状
狩猟免許証: shuryoumenkyoshou
狩猟禁止: shuryoukinshi: ban on hunting <<< 禁止
狩猟禁止期: shuryoukinshiki: closed season <<<


pronunciation: shirataki
keyword: japanese food , nature
translation: white waterfall (like covered by a white cloth), thin noodles made from konnyaku
related words: 蒟蒻


pronunciation: shinnen
keyword: nature
translation: abyss, gulf, abysmal deeps

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