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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14
Direct access: 手本 , 出来 , 弟子 , 得意 , 特殊 , 図書 , 特訓 , 同期 , 独学 , 難題


pronunciation: tehon
keyword: education
translation: model (n.), pattern (n.), example
手本にする: tehonnnisuru: model (v.), pattern (v.), imitate
手本引き: tehonbiki: A Japanese gamble card game <<<


pronunciation: deki
keyword: education , farming
translation: result, effect, crop, harvest, yield, make
出来る: dekiru: can, be able to, be capable of, be done, be ready, yield, feasible
出来るだけ: dekirudake: as possible
出来るだけ早く: dekirudakehayaku: as soon [quickly] as possible <<<
出来ない: dekinai: cannot, be unable to
出来が良い: dekigaii: be of good workmanship, cropped well, be of fine make <<<
出来が悪い: kigawarui: be of bad workmanship, cropped bad, be of poor make <<<
出来上がる: dekiagaru: be finished, completed <<<
出来栄え: dekibae: result, performance <<<
出来事: dekigoto: occurrence, event, incident <<<
出来物: dekimono: tumor, sore, abscess <<<
出来心: dekigokoro: sudden impulse <<<
出来高: dekidaka: yield, out put, production, total transaction <<<
不出来: hudeki: bad result, failure <<<
上出来: joudeki: good success <<<
related words: 結果


pronunciation: deshi
keyword: education , religion , sport
translation: disciple, follower, pupil
弟子にする: deshinisuru: take a person as one's pupil
弟子を取る: deshiotoru: take pupils <<<
弟子入りする: deshiirisuru: become a person's pupil, be apprenticed <<<
兄弟子: anideshi: older disciple <<<


pronunciation: tokui
keyword: education , business
translation: pride, self-complaisance, one's speciality, one's forte, customer, patron, client, clientele, custom
得意に成る: tokuininaru: be proud (of), pride oneself (on), have [take] pride (in) <<<
得意がる: tokuigaru
得意に成って: tokuininatte: triumphantly, elatedly, with a proud air
得意な顔: tokuinakao: proud [triumphant] look <<<
得意の歌: tokuinouta: one's favorite song <<<
得意が付く: tokuigatsuku: gain custom <<<
得意が減る: tokuigaheru: lose custom <<<
得意が多い: tokuigaooi: have a wide clientele [client base] <<<
得意回りをする: tokuimawariosuru: go round asking for orders, go the rounds of one's customers <<<
得意先: tokuisaki: customer, patron, client, clientele, custom <<<
上得意: joutokui: good customer <<<
常得意: joutokui: regular customer <<<
related words: 苦手


pronunciation: tokushu
keyword: education
translation: peculiarity, uniqueness
特殊な: tokushuna: special, particular, peculiar, unique <<< スペシャル
特殊性: tokushusei: peculiarity, special characteristics <<<
特殊鋼: tokushukou: special steel <<<
特殊化: tokushuka: specification <<<
特殊化する: tokushukasuru: specify
特殊学級: tokushugakkyuu: special class
特殊学校: tokushugakkou: special school, professional school <<< 学校
特殊教育: tokushukyouiku: special school system <<< 教育
特殊会社: tokushugaisha: chartered company <<< 会社
特殊銀行: tokushuginkou: chartered [special] bank <<< 銀行
特殊事情: tokushujijou: special circumstances <<< 事情
特殊部隊: tokushubutai: special forces <<< 部隊
特殊詐欺: tokushusagi: phone fraud <<< 詐欺
related words: 特別


pronunciation: tosho
keyword: education , literature
translation: books
図書館: toshokan: library <<<
図書館学: toshokangaku: library science <<<
図書館員: toshokannin: librarian <<<
図書係: toshogakari <<<
図書券: toshoken: book coupon, book token <<<
図書館長: toshokanchou: curator of a library <<< 館長
図書目録: toshomokuroku: catalogue of books


pronunciation: tokkun
keyword: education
translation: special training, crash course
特訓を受ける: tokkunnoukeru: go through special training (in), take a crash course <<<


pronunciation: douki
keyword: education , physics
translation: the same period, synchronism
同期の: doukino: of the same year [class], synchronous
同期生: doukisei: classmate <<<
related words: 同級 , 同窓


pronunciation: dokugaku
keyword: education
translation: self-education
独学の: dokugakuno: self-taught, self-educated
独学する: dokugakusuru: learn by oneself, teach oneself, study without a teacher
独学者: dokugakusha: self-taught [self-educated] man <<<


pronunciation: nandai
keyword: education
translation: difficult [hard] question, unreasonable [excessive] demand
難題を吹っ掛ける: nandaiohukkakeru: make an unreasonable demand (of a person), ask too much (of a person)
synonyms: 難問

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