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Direct access: 談話 , 茶会 , 抽選 , 月見 , 手鞠 , 同好 , 同人 , 道楽 , 波乗り , 縄跳


pronunciation: danwa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: talk (n.), conversation, chat
談話する: danwasuru: talk [speak] (with), have a talk [conversation] (with)
談話会: danwakai: conversazione <<<
談話室: danwashitsu: lounge (of a hotel), social hall [room] <<<
談話体: danwatai: conversational tone <<<
related words: 会話


pronunciation: chakai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: tea party, tea-ceremony party
茶会を催す: chakaiomoyoosu: hold a tea party, give a tea-ceremony party <<<
synonyms: 茶道


pronunciation: chuusen
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 抽籤
keyword: amusement
translation: lottery, drawing
抽選する: chuusensuru: draw [cast] lots
抽選で: chuusende: by lot [lottery], by (means of) drawing
抽選で当たる: chuusendeataru: draw a winning number <<<
抽選で外れる: chuusendehazureru: draw a losing number <<<
抽選で決める: chuusendekimeru: decide by drawing lots <<<
抽選会: chuusenkai: drawing <<<
抽選券: chuusenken: lottery ticket <<<
抽選器: chuusenki: lottery wheel <<<
抽選付: chuusentsuki: (sales) cum drawing <<<
抽選番号: chuusenbangou: lottery number <<< 番号


pronunciation: tsukimi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature , amusement
translation: moon viewing
月見をする: tsukimiosuru: view [admire] the moon, enjoy the moonlight
月見の宴: tsukiminoen: moon viewing feast <<<
月見草: tsukimisou: evening primrose <<<


pronunciation: temari
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 手毬, 手まり
keyword: amusement
translation: handball
手鞠を突く: temariotsuku: play with a ball <<<
手鞠歌: temariuta: handball song <<<


pronunciation: doukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: similar tastes
同好の士: doukounoshi: friend of similar tastes <<<
同好会: doukoukai: circle of lovers, club <<< , クラブ


pronunciation: dounin, doujin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: member, coterie, the same [said] person, person in question
同人雑誌: douninzasshi, doujinzasshi: literary coterie magazine <<< 雑誌
同人誌: doujinshi <<<
related words: クラブ , サークル


pronunciation: douraku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: dissipation, debauchery, hobby, amusement
道楽する: dourakusuru: lead a loose [dissipated] life, sow one's wild oats
道楽に: dourakuni: for pleasure, as a hobby
道楽者: dourakumono: prodigal, libertine, man of pleasure <<<
道楽息子: dourakumusuko: prodigal son <<< 息子
食道楽: shokudouraku: gastronomy <<<
食道楽の: shokudourakuno: gastronomic
synonyms: 趣味


pronunciation: naminori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: surfing, surf riding
波乗りをする: naminoriosuru: surf (v.), ride on the surf
波乗り板: naminoriita: surfboard <<<
related words: サーフ , サーフィン


pronunciation: nawatobi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: rope skipping, rope jumping
縄跳をする: nawatobiosuru: skip [jump] rope

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