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Direct access: 水準 , 正解 , 成績 , 専修 , 選択 , 鍛錬 , 知識 , 中途 , 帳面 , 程度


pronunciation: suijun
keyword: science , education
translation: level
水準器: suijunki: (water) level <<<
水準線: suijunsen: contour line <<<
水準面: suijunmen: contour surface <<<
水準測量: suijunsokuryou: leveling, plane survey <<< 測量
水準曲線: suijunkyokusen: contour curve <<< 曲線
水準交差: suijunkousa: contour crossing <<< 交差
高水準: kousuijun: high level <<<
低水準: teisuijun: low level <<<
related words: レベル


pronunciation: seikai
keyword: education
translation: right answer, correct response, solution
正解する: seikaisuru: answer [solve] correctly, give a correct answer
正解者: seikaisha: one who gives a correct answer <<<
related words: 解答


pronunciation: seiseki
keyword: education
translation: results, marks
成績が良い: seisekigaii, seisekigayoi: make a good record <<<
成績が悪い: seisekigawarui: have a poor record <<<
成績が振るわない: seisekigahuruwanai <<<
成績表: seisekihyou: list of students' records <<<
成績簿: seisekibo: students' records, report card, scorecard <<< 簿


pronunciation: senshuu
keyword: education
translation: professional studies
専修科: senshuuka: special course <<<
専修学校: senshuugakkou: special school <<< 学校


pronunciation: sentaku
keyword: education
translation: selection, choice
選択する: sentakusuru: select, choose
選択に迷う: sentakunimayou: be at a loss which to choose, find it difficult to choose <<<
選択に苦しむ: sentakunikurushimu <<<
選択を誤る: sentakuoayamaru: make a bad choice <<<
選択技: sentakushi: choices (on a test) <<<
選択権: sentakuken: freedom of choice <<<
選択の自由: sentakunojiyuu <<< 自由
選択科目: sentakukamoku: elective [optional] subject <<< 科目
選択問題: sentakumondai: multiple-choice test <<< 問題
related words: 選定 , 必修


pronunciation: tanren
keyword: education
translation: temper (n.), forging, discipline, training, drilling
鍛錬する: tanrensuru: temper (v.), forge, discipline, train, drill


pronunciation: chishiki
keyword: education , science
translation: knowledge, information
知識が有る: chishikigaaru: have some knowledge of <<<
知識が無い: chishikiganai: be without any knowledge of <<<
知識が増す: chishikigamasu: advance in knowledge <<<
知識を得る: chishikioeru: acquire (gain, obtain) knowledge <<<
知識を深める: chishikiohukameru: enrich one's knowledge <<<
知識を広める: chishikiohiromeru: extend one's knowledge <<<
知識人: chishikijin: intellectual, highbrow <<<
知識欲: chishikiyoku: intellectual desire, thirst for knowledge <<<
知識階級: chishikikaikyuu: educated class, intelligentsia, intellectuals, highbrows <<< 階級


pronunciation: chuuto
keyword: education
translation: halfway (n.), midway
中途に: chuutoni: halfway (adv.), midway, in the middle, unfinished
中途で: chuutode
中途退学: chuutotaigaku: dropout (n.) <<< 退学
中途退学する: chuutotaigakusuru: quit [give up, leave] school [college] (unfinished, before graduation)
中途半端: chuutohanpa: incompleteness, halfway (method, measure) <<< 半端
中途半端な: chuutohanpana: halfway (a.), incomplete, undecided, unsettled


pronunciation: choumen
keyword: finance , education
translation: notebook, account book
帳面に付ける: choumennnitsukeru: make an entry, enter in a book (ledger), put down in a notebook <<<
帳面を付ける: choumennotsukeru: keep (maintain) account
related words: 帳簿 , ノート


pronunciation: teido
keyword: education
translation: grade, degree, standard, limit
程度の高い: teidonotakai: of a high standard [level] <<<
程度の低い: teidonohikui: of a low standard [level] <<<
程度を上げる: teidooageru: raise the standard <<<
程度を下げる: teidoosageru: lower the standard <<<
程度を越える: teidookoeru: exceed the limit <<<
在る程度: aruteido: a certain extent <<<
related words: 基準 , 標準 , レベル , スタンダード

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