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Direct access: , , , , , , , , 哀歌 , 歌声

category: to learn in school
keyword: music
Number of strokes: 11
translation: sing, recite
唱える: tonaeru: recite
唱う: utau: sing <<<
唱: uta: song <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: book , music
Number of strokes: 13
translation: joint, knuckle, nodule, paragraph, section, clause, principles, occasion
setsu, sechi
節を曲げる: setsuomageru: go astray from one's principles <<<
節を売る: setsuouru: sell one's honor <<<
節: hushi: joint, knuckle, knot, knob, gnarl, tune, melody, air, tone, intonation, point, knotty, gnarled
節だらけの: hushidarakeno: knotty, gnarled
節の多い: hushinoooi <<<
節を付ける: hushiotsukeru: set a song to music <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: music
Number of strokes: 14
translation: song, ballad, singing, poetry, poem, ode
歌う: utau: sing, chant, recite
歌: uta: song, ballad, singing, poetry, poem, ode <<<
歌を歌う: utaoutau: sing a song, hum a tune
歌を習う: utaonarau: take [have] lessons in singing <<<
歌を作る: utaotsukuru: compose a poem <<<

category: common usage
keyword: music , weather
Number of strokes: 7
translation: blow, puff, breathe, whistle, spout, spurt, gush, boast, brag
吹く: huku: blow, puff out, breathe, play on, sound, whistle, spout, spurt [gush, send] out, emit, boast, talk big [tall], brag, melt (iron etc., jp.)
吹き降ろす: hukiorosu: blow down <<<
吹き返す: hukikaesu: come to oneself [life again] <<<
吹き掛ける: hukikakeru: blow upon, spurt, breathe upon, spray upon, pick a quarrel, overcharge <<<
吹っ掛ける: hukkakeru: challenge (a person), pick a quarrel with (a person), ask an unreasonable price, overcharge <<<
吹き消す: hukikesu: blow out <<<
吹き込む: hukikomu: blow into, breathe into, put on record, have recorded, inspire <<<
吹き荒ぶ: hukisusabu: rage, blow violently [furiously] <<<
吹き倒す: hukitaosu: blow down <<<
吹き出す: hukidasu: begin to blow, rise, , spout, spurt [gush] out, blow up, burst into laughter <<<
吹き散らす: hukichirasu: blow about, scatter <<<
吹き飛ばす: hukitobasu: blow off [carry] off [away] <<<
吹き払う: hukiharau: blow off [away], dissipate <<<
吹き捲る: hukimakuru: sweep along [over], blow about, rage <<<
吹き止む: hukiyamu: blow over, cease to blow, go down, subside <<<
吹: kaze: pers.

category: common usage
keyword: music
Number of strokes: 16
translation: sing, chant
謡う: utau: sing, chant
謡: hayariuta: popular song
謡: utai: Japanese song (jp.)

category: common usage
keyword: music
Number of strokes: 19
translation: cover all the subjects, write in an exhaustive way
譜: hu: music, score of music
譜が読める: hugayomeru: learn music theory <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: music
Number of strokes: 10
translation: Buddhist hosanna
唄: uta: folk song (jp.)

category: JIS2
keyword: music
Number of strokes: 21
translation: music band (anc.), festival music
囃: hayashi
囃す: hayasu: play music, accompany with a music, applaud (jp.), cheer, tease [taunt, banter] (a person)
囃し立てる: hayashitateru: applaud, cheer, tease [taunt, banter] (a person) <<<


pronunciation: aika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: elegy, dirge
哀歌風: aikahuu: elegiac <<<


pronunciation: utagoe
kanji characters: ,
keyword: music
translation: singing voice

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