Japanese display
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Direct access: 風呂 , 便座 , 便所 , 包帯 , 前洗い , 耳掻き , 虫干 , 綿棒


pronunciation: huro
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , hygiene
translation: bath, bathtub
風呂に入る: huronihairu: take [have] a bath <<< , 入浴
風呂に入れる: huroniireru: bath (vt.), give a bath
風呂に行く: huroniiku: go to a (public) bath <<<
風呂を立てる: hurootateru: prepare a bath <<<
風呂桶: hurooke: bathtub <<<
風呂場: huroba: bathroom <<< , 浴場
風呂屋: huroya: bathhouse, public bath <<<
風呂番: huroban: bathman <<<
風呂敷: huroshiki: cloth wrapper <<<
related words: シャワー , バス


pronunciation: benza
kanji characters: 便 ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: lavatory seat


pronunciation: benjo
kanji characters: 便 ,
keyword: house , hygiene
translation: toilet, washroom, rest room, WC
便所へ行く: benjoeiku: go to wash one's hands, go to stool <<<
便所は何処ですか: benjowadokodesuka: Where can I wash my hands? <<< 何処
男便所: otokobenjo: gents' toilet, men's lavatory [restroom, toilet] <<<
女便所: onnnabenjo: female toilets, ladies' cloakroom, women's lavatory [restroom, toilet] <<<
related words: トイレット , 手洗


pronunciation: houtai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: bandage, dressing, swathe
包帯する: houtaisuru: dress a wound, apply a bandage
包帯を取る: houtaiotoru: undress a wound, remove bandage <<<
包帯を解く: houtaiotoku <<<
related words: ガーゼ , 絆創膏


pronunciation: maearai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: prewash (n.)
前洗いする: maearaisuru: prewash (v.)


pronunciation: mimikaki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: earpick


pronunciation: mushiboshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: airing
虫干する: mushiboshisuru: air (v.)


pronunciation: menbou
kanji characters: 綿 ,
keyword: hygiene
translation: applicator

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