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Direct access: 親玉 , 温床 , 怪奇 , 海賊 , 怪盗 , 隠し撮 , 隠処 , 過失 , 仮面 , 監禁


pronunciation: oyadama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: boss, ringleader
synonyms: 親分


pronunciation: onshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: hotbed, breeding ground
悪の温床: akunoonshou: hotbed of vice, breeding ground for crime <<<


pronunciation: kaiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , fantasy
translation: mystery, weirdness
怪奇な: kaikina: mysterious, weird, grotesque
怪奇的: kaikiteki <<<
怪奇小説: kaikishousetsu: mystery story, thriller <<< 小説
怪奇映画: kaikieiga: horror film <<< 映画
related words: 奇怪


pronunciation: kaizoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sea , crime
translation: pirate, corsair
海賊を働く: kaizokuohataraku: commit piracy, pirate (a ship) <<<
海賊船: kaizokusen: pirate ship <<<
海賊版: kaizokuban: pirate edition <<<
海賊行為: kaizokukoui: piracy <<< 行為
海賊放送局: kaizokuhousoukyoku: pirate station
related words: 山賊


pronunciation: kaitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: mysterious thief
怪盗ルパン: kaitourupan: Arsene Lupin Gentleman Burglar


pronunciation: kakushidori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: secret photographing [filming], secret [covert] photograph [film]
隠し撮をする: kakushidoriosuru: secretly photograph [film]
related words: 盗撮


pronunciation: kakurega
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 隠れ処, 隠れ家
keyword: crime
translation: retreat, hermitage, hiding place, refuge, den, lair, hideout, lurking place, safe house


pronunciation: kashitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: fault, mistake, blunder, error, accident, negligence
過失の: kashitsuno: accidental
過失で: kashitsude: by accident, through one's fault
過失をする: kashitsuosuru: commit a fault, make an error
過失を犯す: kashitsuookasu <<<
過失死: kashitsushi: accidental death <<<
過失致死: kashitsuchishi: accidental homicide, involuntary manslaughter <<< 致死
過失傷害: kashitsushougai: accidental infliction of injury
related words: 間違


pronunciation: kamen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: show , crime
translation: mask, disguise
仮面を被る: kamennokaburu: wear [put on] a mask, disguise oneself, play the hypocrite <<<
仮面を着ける: kamennotsukeru <<<
仮面を脱ぐ: kamennonugu: unmask, throw off one's mask <<<
仮面を取る: kamennotoru <<<
仮面を剥ぐ: kamennohagu: unmask (a villain), debunk <<<
仮面舞踏会: kamenbutoukai: masquerade
related words: 覆面 , マスク


pronunciation: kankin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: confinement, imprisonment, detention
監禁する: kankinsuru: confine, lock [shut] up, imprison, detain

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