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Direct access: 狩猟 , 賞金 , 招待 , 逍遥 , 冗談 , 情熱 , 数独 , 退会 , 煙草 , 探検


pronunciation: shuryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature , amusement
translation: hunting, shooting
狩猟する: shuryousuru: hunt, shoot
狩猟家: shuryouka: hunter <<<
狩猟場: shuryoujou: hunting ground <<<
狩猟期: shuryouki: hunting season <<<
狩猟法: shuryouhou: game law <<<
狩猟服: shuryouhuku: hunting costume <<<
狩猟免状: shuryoumenjou: hunting license <<< 免状
狩猟免許証: shuryoumenkyoshou
狩猟禁止: shuryoukinshi: ban on hunting <<< 禁止
狩猟禁止期: shuryoukinshiki: closed season <<<


pronunciation: shoukin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , amusement
translation: prize money, reward
賞金を賭ける: shoukinnokakeru: set [put] a prize <<<
賞金を出す: shoukinnodasu: offer a prize <<<
賞金を得る: shoukinnoeru: get [win] a prize <<<


pronunciation: shoutai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: invitation
招待する: shoutaisuru: invite [ask] (a person to)
招待を受ける: shoutaioukeru: receive an invitation (to), be invited [asked] (to) <<<
招待に応じる: shoutainioujiru: accept an invitation <<<
招待を断る: shoutaiokotowaru: decline an invitation <<<
招待会: shoutaikai: reception, at-home <<<
招待客: shoutaikyaku: invited guest <<<
招待券: shoutaiken: invitation [complimentary] ticket <<<
招待状: shoutaijou: invitation card, letter of invitation <<<
招待席: shoutaiseki: reserved seat (for a guest) <<<
招待日: shoutaibi: day of invited guests, preview <<<
招待試合: shoutaijiai: invitation game <<< 試合


pronunciation: shouyou
kanji characters:
keyword: amusement
translation: stroll (n.), promenade, roam
逍遥する: shouyousuru: stroll (v.), take a stroll [walk], roam
逍遥学派: shouyougakuha: Peripatetic school
synonyms: 散歩 , 散策


pronunciation: joudan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: jest, joke, fun, pleasantry
冗談に: joudannni: in jest [joke], for a joke, in [for] fun
冗談の: joudannno: jokey, funny, humorous
冗談はさて置き: joudanwasateoki: joking apart [aside], now seriously <<<
冗談抜きにして: joudannnukinishite <<<
冗談は止せ: joudanwayose: Don't be silly <<<
冗談じゃ無い: joudanjanai <<<
冗談を言う: joudannoiu: jest (v.), joke, crack a joke <<<
冗談を飛ばす: joudannotobasu <<<
冗談が過ぎる: joudangasugiru: carry a joke too far <<<
冗談半分に: joudanhanbunnni: half in joke <<< 半分
synonyms: ジョーク
related words: 悪戯 , 軽口


pronunciation: jounetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: passion, ardor, fervor, enthusiasm, sizzle
情熱的: jounetsuteki: passionate, ardent, fervent, sizzling <<<
情熱的に: jounetsutekini: passionately, ardently, fervently
情熱を燃やす: jounetsuomoyasu: put one's heart (and soul) into <<<
情熱を傾ける: jounetsuokatamukeru <<<
related words: 熱心


pronunciation: sudoku, suudoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement
translation: Sudoku (game)


pronunciation: taikai
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: sport , amusement
translation: withdrawal from the membership
退会する: taikaisuru: secede [withdraw] from, leave, cease to be a member
退会者: taikaisha: withdrawing [seceding] member, seceder <<<
退会届: taikaitodoke: notice of withdrawal <<<
related words: 入会


pronunciation: tabako
kanji characters: ,
other spells: タバコ
keyword: plant , amusement
translation: tobacco, cigarette, cigar
煙草入れ: tabakoire: tobacco pouch, cigarette case <<<
煙草を吸う: tabakoosuu: smoke a cigarette <<<
煙草を飲む: tabakoonomu <<<
煙草を吹かす: tabakoohukasu: puff away at one's pipe [cigar, cigarette] <<<
煙草屋: tabakoya: tobacco shop, cigar store, tobacconist <<<
煙草店: tabakoten: tobacco shop, cigar store <<<
煙草盆: tabakobon: tobacco tray <<<
葉煙草: hatabako: leaf tobacco <<<
嗅ぎ煙草: kagitabako: snuff <<<
刻み煙草: kizamitabako: cut tobacco <<<
噛み煙草: kamitabako: chewing tobacco <<<
related words: 葉巻 , 喫煙 , パイプ


pronunciation: tanken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: amusement , travel
translation: expedition, exploration
探検する: tankensuru: explore
探検家: tankenka: explorer <<<
探検隊: tankentai: expedition, expeditionary party <<<
探検旅行: tankenryokou: exploring expedition <<< 旅行
related words: 冒険

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